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⥅ related node [[contract]]
⥅ related node [[gnu manifesto comic]]
⥅ related node [[occupy github]]
⥅ related node [[captive audience]]
⥅ related node [[i will teach you to be rich]]
⥅ related node [[nonviolent communication]]
⥅ related node [[the complacent class]]
⥅ related node [[the foa reference guide to fiber optic network design]]
⥅ related node [[the productivity project]]
⥅ related node [[zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance]]
⥅ related node [[canceling contrapoints]]
⥅ related node [[the art of network architecture]]
⥅ related node [[quotes from getpocket com]]
⥅ related node [[think of it like this we are a product experience team]]
⥅ related node [[bad actors are not sufficiently penalised]]
⥅ related node [[adam smith grandfather of economics]]
⥅ related node [[attention is your scarcest resource]]
⥅ related node [[brain changes in addiction]]
⥅ related node [[cal newport "so good they can t ignore you"]]
⥅ related node [[coaching]]
⥅ related node [[cognitive dissonance]]
⥅ related node [[conceptual metaphor theory]]
⥅ related node [[connections in people groups]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness can t be physical]]
⥅ related node [[controlling emotions vs controlling behaviour]]
⥅ related node [[difference in classical and operant conditioning]]
⥅ related node [[dopamine s function creating the want]]
⥅ related node [[existential psycological disorders]]
⥅ related node [[existentialism lecture by daniel bonevac]]
⥅ related node [[facticity and trancendence]]
⥅ related node [[fredrich nietzsche]]
⥅ related node [[friedrich nietzsche become superhuman]]
⥅ related node [[has science made religion useless?]]
⥅ related node [[how social media changed communication]]
⥅ related node [[insights with psychedelic or mystical experiences]]
⥅ related node [[interactive group effect]]
⥅ related node [[non violent communication nvc]]
⥅ related node [[non violent communication]]
⥅ related node [[psychedelics are fueling a mental health revolution]]
⥅ related node [[replication crisis]]
⥅ related node [[social aspect of belief]]
⥅ related node [[standup content creation]]
⥅ related node [[tech centers]]
⥅ related node [[tendency for interpersonal victimhood]]
⥅ related node [[unsolvable problem can be overcome]]
⥅ related node [[virtual conference best practices]]
⥅ related node [[canadian incorporation setup non resident]]
⥅ related node [[chicken fingers vs tentacles]]
⥅ related node [[cloud gaming chromebook]]
⥅ related node [[clt vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[connecting to the agora]]
⥅ related node [[contact]]
⥅ related node [[custom bags in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized social ecosystem review]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized social media internet archive]]
⥅ related node [[democracy sovereignty bianca wylie]]
⥅ related node [[drupal decentralized web drupalcon]]
⥅ related node [[office space vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[open collective]]
⥅ related node [[pitchdeck]]
⥅ related node [[productmetrics]]
⥅ related node [[razer core x chroma]]
⥅ related node [[social coop]]
⥅ related node [[typesense recipe search]]
⥅ related node [[vancouver local makers directory]]
⥅ related node [[2002 11 09 welcome to b mann consulting]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 03 configuration configuration configuration]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 14 building 1200 pc vs 2500 pc]]
⥅ related node [[2002 12 23 the register microsoft to acquire macromedia]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 05 nokia intros phone game music device]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 19 microsoft to buy connectix]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 20 6 square pc cube]]
⥅ related node [[2003 02 22 remote desktop connection for mac os x]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 04 apple to launch online music service]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 06 flipping the relationship gpu becomes cpu]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 11 costik a specter is haunting gaming]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 12 vonage digital voice phone service]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 16 critical section i am an iterator]]
⥅ related node [[2003 03 22 mac to pc filesharing]]
⥅ related node [[2003 04 02 games as collectors items]]
⥅ related node [[2003 04 03 ars technica about the finder]]
⥅ related node [[2003 04 20 back to building multimedia pcs]]
⥅ related node [[2003 05 28 itunes is successful or maybe not]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 01 what is a person connected to]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 22 cruelacid php realtime weather]]
⥅ related node [[2003 06 23 apple debuts ppc 970 machines]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 11 extremetech clash of the tiny titans]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 13 wandering back to victoria]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 16 spaces is clever cactus]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 18 tech report the msi mega pc and abit sff]]
⥅ related node [[2003 08 25 phpcommunitycalendar]]
⥅ related node [[2003 09 04 clearing your favicon cache]]
⥅ related node [[2003 09 24 cinemaclock movie listings ottawa]]
⥅ related node [[2003 09 24 commsdesign voip chip targets home gateways]]
⥅ related node [[2003 09 24 matchstick men]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 04 oeone becomes axentra announces axentra rumba server for server appliance space]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 15 quickies its small form factor craziness]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 21 converting ical calendar files into html]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 27 canada post postal code locator]]
⥅ related node [[2003 10 27 longhorns special sauce]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 02 carbon copy cloner]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 17 feedback points to spoke serences klipfolio]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 20 boris and bob is there a connection]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 21 currency converter bank of canada]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 22 cmsreview feature directory]]
⥅ related node [[2003 11 27 acm queue conversation with peter ford chief architect for msn messenger]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 01 unofficial mozilla for mac os 9]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 11 classification for email and images]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 11 css maxdesign com au]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 11 snarbs controller salling clicker plug ins]]
⥅ related node [[2003 12 17 ventureblog conserving social capital]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 02 macosx com apple ibox in production]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 04 use of social network sites accelerating]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 16 businessweek technology special report voip]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 21 loc le meur build and check your virtual identity and online reputation or you will be in trouble]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 28 getting a place in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2004 01 29 sunshine coast accommodations]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 05 westworld computers on broadway in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 08 vijs recommended by stuart mclean]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 16 winter storm damage in vancouver and victoria]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 18 ichat flickr et al and skype]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 19 flickr services]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 19 mkc networks offers voip licenses for e smith]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 23 caterina net things to do in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2004 02 26 ms access why the need for visual basic]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 05 sick of social networks]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 07 image replacement decision grid]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 07 w3c markup validation service]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 07 why rss sucks but its still fantastic]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 09 asi exchange in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 09 flickr buddy icons fun]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 11 broadvox is coming to canada]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 15 vancouver dinner club inaugural event]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 28 enabling dynamically configured name based virtual hosting on mac os x]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 28 jim kohlenberger anyone in their garage can now be a telephone company for the entire planet]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 28 lunch with microsoft and sun]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 28 ollicle text 2 html without the lock down]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 29 does computer science in academia suck]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 29 microsoft now does search]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 29 price hostilities in the voip space]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 29 think secret microsoft developing msn messenger for mac 4 0 with images]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 consumer price index cpi inflation calculator]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 peer 1 subsidizes bandwidth and colocation for pulver com approved voip startups]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 30 welcome to the new b mann consulting]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 31 asterisk ideas for client education]]
⥅ related node [[2004 03 31 the register circuit city buys intertan]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 05 asterisk for tech support voicemail]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 12 softswitch projected growth numbers]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 13 a stew of packetized content]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 23 feedback for doc searls it garage]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 26 microsoft expression for mac]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 26 scalix does exchange on linux]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 26 website css circa 2011]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 27 jons radio active r and eacutesum and eacutes]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 29 callvantage service works well]]
⥅ related node [[2004 04 29 why ecademy will succeed]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 05 sprint canadas bad web presence]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 08 evans on nyt article voip in canada]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 08 price service and port blocking wars]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 08 social software ideas in practice]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 08 zoe and email choices]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 09 that old trackback magic]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 09 voice goes live in the corporate data center]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 16 civicspace labs]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 18 search changes how business works]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 18 telus microcell an unholy union]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 24 why i will likely delete my ecademy account]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 26 flickr news cool stuff i want to pay for]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 26 peerio offically announces themselves]]
⥅ related node [[2004 05 27 success in the future is increasingly defined by non network attributes]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 07 w3c is the best place for atom to take root]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 14 2004 canadian telecom summit]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 14 the big secret of search optimisation]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 18 no more ca for non canadians]]
⥅ related node [[2004 06 19 social networking inaccuracies]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 06 bloggers are becoming subject matter experts]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 06 drm inhibits communications]]
⥅ related node [[2004 07 13 seb turns off comment counters saves the day]]
⥅ related node [[2004 08 19 vancouver ecademy blogging for business]]
⥅ related node [[2004 08 20 cocoalicious]]
⥅ related node [[2004 08 27 vonage ca trying another canadian voip option]]
⥅ related node [[2004 09 11 daniel berninger all new communication applications benefit the internet]]
⥅ related node [[2004 09 22 google local in canada so what]]
⥅ related node [[2004 10 27 zip ca finds my comment thread]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 15 the deep web only courtesy of search portal x]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 21 axentra multifunction server appliances]]
⥅ related node [[2004 11 28 no games for the mac and gaming micro content]]
⥅ related node [[2004 12 01 zaks chinese market butter chicken]]
⥅ related node [[2004 12 10 cbc now has headline only rss feeds]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 10 macs rule rss custom rss apps are next]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 13 syndication subscription service]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 14 lcd tv or lcd monitor]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 16 sell the imac buy the parents a mac mini]]
⥅ related node [[2005 01 29 stack the mac mini with an apple pvr]]
⥅ related node [[2005 02 03 google registrar concepts]]
⥅ related node [[2005 02 07 no lnp in canada equals no competition]]
⥅ related node [[2005 02 09 lcd tvs and monitors there is no difference]]
⥅ related node [[2005 02 15 my non appearance on cbc talking about voip]]
⥅ related node [[2005 03 07 not exactly a mac mini]]
⥅ related node [[2005 05 09 here come itunes purchased video]]
⥅ related node [[2005 06 14 heya neighblog check out my blogmap]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 03 delicious construction kit]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 03 scalable distributed backups with bittorrent]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 03 tag clouds are not a replacement for ui]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 10 richard explains the for tag in del icio us expands on social software]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 13 isync update means my nokia 6630 now syncs]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 13 scottstuff is flickring]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 25 telus blocking access to union website]]
⥅ related node [[2005 07 29 read only calendars were nice in 2002]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 09 ubiquitous mac apps i dont use quicksilver]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 14 flock feedback]]
⥅ related node [[2005 08 29 microformats love vcards]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 06 a microformat for music]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 14 google blogsearch launches]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 15 yiibu crew back to yvr]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 16 northern voice and moose camp now in blue]]
⥅ related node [[2005 09 16 the new feedback will not be controlled]]
⥅ related node [[2005 10 02 43 people feedback let me cheer everything]]
⥅ related node [[2005 10 02 news from the uvic alumni association]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 07 marc liyanages php apache module]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 17 yiibu re inventing microcontent]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 22 announcement open source cms and blogging tools summit vancouver february 7 9 2006]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 23 syncing itunes music folders using rsync]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 27 synching itunes with rsync]]
⥅ related node [[2005 11 27 using rsync to sync itunes on two computers]]
⥅ related node [[2005 12 05 lots of domains because its cheap and easy]]
⥅ related node [[2006 01 12 oscms summit is go for launch]]
⥅ related node [[2006 02 06 cocomment comments]]
⥅ related node [[2006 02 28 fosdem attendees and european hacker culture]]
⥅ related node [[2006 03 28 voicemail coming to google talk gmail]]
⥅ related node [[2006 05 19 cloning technology aka technology barriers]]
⥅ related node [[2006 06 24 matchstick ca is buzz marketing gone wrong]]
⥅ related node [[2006 06 25 barcamp sf the jive live or how to make money from great video content]]
⥅ related node [[2006 06 30 notify i might have accidentally spammed you]]
⥅ related node [[2006 07 23 googles challenge searching the live web]]
⥅ related node [[2006 07 26 openid bounties and identity convergence]]
⥅ related node [[2006 08 07 a vancouver job connection area here on bmc]]
⥅ related node [[2006 08 26 notes from barcamp vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2006 10 13 innovation in vancouver funded by the bdc]]
⥅ related node [[2006 12 06 social media club vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2007 01 10 is the iphone really locked to cingular]]
⥅ related node [[2007 02 07 marc canter is building his heart out]]
⥅ related node [[2007 02 07 open source in vancouver panel]]
⥅ related node [[2007 04 10 can the crtc help]]
⥅ related node [[2007 05 25 facebook is mall of america]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 07 12 macbook pro with touchscreen keyboard]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 23 democampvancouver now with more gong]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 23 microsoft expression launch event at canvas lounge with gk vanpatter and silverlight]]
⥅ related node [[2007 06 26 mossberg iphone review no sim card cdma only]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 15 watching the it crowd]]
⥅ related node [[2007 07 20 yahoo pipes on upcoming reconfigurable feeds]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 02 mac alarm clock this mornings tune]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 17 barcamp vancouver 2007 kicks off this eve]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 18 barcamp vancouver 2007 a wrap]]
⥅ related node [[2007 08 18 notes from geo talk at barcamp vancouver 2007]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 12 vancouver wireless cadre kick off meeting]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 15 i am heading to barcelona for drupalcon]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 18 barcelona tapas are delicious]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 18 will mailco mozillas thunderbird spin off to be run by david ascher be headquartered in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2007 09 28 successful launch party]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 11 media appearance tod maffins cbc technology column more on freethenet ca]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 14 colours of fall in vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 16 dave olson interviews me about the drupal association freethenet ca and ham in barcelona]]
⥅ related node [[2007 10 25 media appearance is microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself on business news network]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 17 alqasim electronics]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 21 bryght and raincity are joining forces]]
⥅ related node [[2007 11 30 dries announces drupal startup acquia]]
⥅ related node [[2007 12 03 my adhack for the canon s5 is]]
⥅ related node [[2008 01 10 sustainable community involvement on the drupal community and drupal association]]
⥅ related node [[2008 02 03 sucking in delicious]]
⥅ related node [[2008 02 25 flock 1 1 beta tire kicking]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 14 cci2008 wrap going offline]]
⥅ related node [[2008 03 26 chris pirillo of lockergnome announces drupal powered community participation platform hackfest in seattle]]
⥅ related node [[2008 04 03 utterz interview with sales manager of juliet development venue for democampvictoria01]]
⥅ related node [[2008 05 05 drupalcamp vancouver 2008 this week]]
⥅ related node [[2008 07 09 sponsor rachael for the camp moomba yogathon]]
⥅ related node [[2008 07 16 vinocamp is open for registration august 16th 2008 at ubc botanical gardens]]
⥅ related node [[2008 07 19 site specific browsers for mobile]]
⥅ related node [[2008 08 08 daveo does a podcast with me on bryght raincity studios and bootup labs]]
⥅ related node [[2008 08 21 global tv blackberry bold launches on rogers]]
⥅ related node [[2008 09 26 nowpublic mostpublic index for vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2008 09 30 knight news challenge prep in vancouver digital media experiments to innovate journalism]]
⥅ related node [[2008 10 05 spanning sync for mac to google syncing]]
⥅ related node [[2008 10 23 interesting vancouver 2008 ticket giveaway]]
⥅ related node [[2008 11 02 vancouver akoha decksgiving]]
⥅ related node [[2008 12 15 google friend connect paves over your site and plonks down a social network]]
⥅ related node [[2009 01 08 the 3 stages of ecommerce tools]]
⥅ related node [[2009 01 18 side loading pre fetching and cloud storage]]
⥅ related node [[2009 03 08 dc drupalcon 2009]]
⥅ related node [[2009 10 01 form follows function the growth of drupal themes will directly mirror the growth of custom distributions]]
⥅ related node [[2009 10 05 barcamp vancouver 2009 wrapped]]
⥅ related node [[2009 11 02 speaking acct canada 2009 conference]]
⥅ related node [[2010 01 01 jolicloud http jolicloud com]]
⥅ related node [[2010 01 06 global mobile content music movies gaming all]]
⥅ related node [[2010 03 13 cloud camp vancouver]]
⥅ related node [[2010 03 25 bc apps for climate action announcement]]
⥅ related node [[2010 04 15 keep calm and carry on]]
⥅ related node [[2010 06 06 pei trip unconference]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 02 drupalcon copenhagen 2010]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 02 grow conference 2010]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 02 pacific northwest drupal summit 2010]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 14 the facebook economy]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 20 arrived in pei visited casa mia cafe]]
⥅ related node [[2010 07 20 tv watching vs time to create wikipedia]]
⥅ related node [[2010 08 26 automatic wordpress backup using amazon s3]]
⥅ related node [[2010 09 08 grow conference video interview]]
⥅ related node [[2010 11 02 movember 2010 and iqmetrix moustache alliance]]
⥅ related node [[2011 08 06 on coworking you cannot make a profit selling]]
⥅ related node [[2011 12 14 what support feedback service should you use]]
⥅ related node [[2012 02 12 what is an unconference]]
⥅ related node [[2012 03 15 cataloging city neighbourhood assets love my]]
⥅ related node [[2012 04 20 vancouver tech needs to wake up]]
⥅ related node [[2012 05 07 services to product]]
⥅ related node [[2012 05 27 new hack stack]]
⥅ related node [[2012 06 19 reactions microsoft surface]]
⥅ related node [[2012 07 27 tracking qr codes]]
⥅ related node [[2012 09 04 working contractually]]
⥅ related node [[2014 01 01 you cant outsource product]]
⥅ related node [[2014 08 05 mavericks brew cask]]
⥅ related node [[2014 11 09 vancouver tech civic election]]
⥅ related node [[2017 08 19 blockchain open source definitions]]
⥅ related node [[2017 09 11 firesideconf barcamp spirit]]
⥅ related node [[2018 06 14 algiers smart city leapfrog tech]]
⥅ related node [[2018 07 02 conferences as community gathering]]
⥅ related node [[2018 09 29 micro blog jekyll micro pub and indie web]]
⥅ related node [[2018 09 30 blockchain governance 101 vlad]]
⥅ related node [[2018 10 11 commons based peer production]]
⥅ related node [[2020 01 23 german startup ecosystem challenges canadian]]
⥅ related node [[2020 02 25 laptop choices]]
⥅ related node [[2020 10 08 joining social coop]]
⥅ related node [[socialcoop]]
⥅ related node [[owc_macmini_memory_screenshot]]
⥅ related node [[vantec_corsair_nvme]]
⥅ related node [[bandcamp zia screenshot]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 114x114 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 120x120 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 144x144 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 152x152 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 180x180 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 72x72 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon 76x76 precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[apple touch icon precomposed]]
⥅ related node [[context_menu_backlinks]]
⥅ related node [[icon simplicity 512x512]]
⥅ related node [[touch icon 192x192]]
⥅ related node [[pitch structure ryan spoon]]
⥅ related node [[pitchdeckcoach]]
⥅ related node [[accounts]]
⥅ related node [[equity accounts]]
⥅ related node [[stock clasees]]
⥅ related node [[backpack]]
⥅ related node [[clickbait templates]]
⥅ related node [[clone a linux system install to another computer]]
⥅ related node [[companies using open collective]]
⥅ related node [[crown and shield and mop and bucket]]
⥅ related node [[flancia chats]]
⥅ related node [[fuck cars]]
⥅ related node [[fucking cars faq]]
⥅ related node [[inclusive vs restrictive]]
⥅ related node [[escaped and raw components]]
⥅ related node [[open source docs]]
⥅ related node [[proficiency]]
⥅ related node [[significance]]
⥅ related node [[spellcheck]]
⥅ related node [[tesla_conducts_lg]]
⥅ related node [[about unicorns in south america]]
⥅ related node [[blockchain]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[embracing piracy]]
⥅ related node [[meditation practice]]
⥅ related node [[ontological coaching]]
⥅ related node [[04ad55534a8a4b70a4f16c3a9c710d75]]
⥅ related node [[05521f1c195d4fb28117d3bdebdf9c91]]
⥅ related node [[13e4c4ff6674e94819e7b22bac56e91645a9b389]]
⥅ related node [[1989 chilean grape scare]]
⥅ related node [[39b7e4a634104317843b0cc72ac479a1]]
⥅ related node [[3d printed concrete]]
⥅ related node [[6c07883062a543e781969363024fcbe0]]
⥅ related node [[6c7226d48c12488ba5c76aed229bbb06]]
⥅ related node [[87c6d7d3abdc4b579504de95ca1abf20]]
⥅ related node [[a bicycle for our minds]]
⥅ related node [[a cheatsheet on discourse]]
⥅ related node [[a conversation about annotation literacy and learning]]
⥅ related node [[a declaration of the independence of cyberspace]]
⥅ related node [[a new kind of science]]
⥅ related node [[a perfect vacuum]]
⥅ related node [[academic urban legends]]
⥅ related node [[aceite de coco]]
⥅ related node [[acquiescence]]
⥅ related node [[action code]]
⥅ related node [[active recall]]
⥅ related node [[acts of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[agora architecture]]
⥅ related node [[agora contract]]
⥅ related node [[alice albrecht]]
⥅ related node [[alice chikara]]
⥅ related node [[all about circuits]]
⥅ related node [[all conscious beings]]
⥅ related node [[all musicians are connected]]
⥅ related node [[all watched over by machines of loving grace]]
⥅ related node [[allergic reaction]]
⥅ related node [[anarchist cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[anarcho anarcho capitalist]]
⥅ related node [[anarcho capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[anarcho communism]]
⥅ related node [[anarcho syncretism]]
⥅ related node [[anarchy in action]]
⥅ related node [[annotated hub of science]]
⥅ related node [[annotation and the social prize of educational dignity]]
⥅ related node [[arcades project]]
⥅ related node [[architectonyx]]
⥅ related node [[architectural pattern]]
⥅ related node [[architecture]]
⥅ related node [[fractal flancia]]
⥅ related node [[async chat]]
⥅ related node [[async search]]
⥅ related node [[atomic search]]
⥅ related node [[basic income]]
⥅ related node [[become dorcas]]
⥅ related node [[before and after cache]]
⥅ related node [[bendini fettuccini]]
⥅ related node [[block references]]
⥅ related node [[blockchain chicken farm]]
⥅ related node [[blockchains]]
⥅ related node [[branching chess]]
⥅ related node [[brandenburg concertos]]
⥅ related node [[brassica oleracea]]
⥅ related node [[building augmented knowledge architectures]]
⥅ related node [[building autmented knowledge architectures]]
⥅ related node [[cabridge heretics]]
⥅ related node [[cacodelphia]]
⥅ related node [[cacophony society]]
⥅ related node [[cacotopoi]]
⥅ related node [[café tacvba]]
⥅ related node [[caiac]]
⥅ related node [[calico fisk]]
⥅ related node [[cambridge heretics]]
⥅ related node [[canción sin miedo]]
⥅ related node [[canonical debate lab]]
⥅ related node [[canonical hours]]
⥅ related node [[cantor function]]
⥅ related node [[capra course closing circle]]
⥅ related node [[capra course]]
⥅ related node [[caramel city]]
⥅ related node [[carbon capture]]
⥅ related node [[carcaj]]
⥅ related node [[carelogic]]
⥅ related node [[carrot cake]]
⥅ related node [[casa común]]
⥅ related node [[catalog of missing devices]]
⥅ related node [[category theory basics]]
⥅ related node [[ccr]]
⥅ related node [[cd1c234daaec4472b5d3187651274b62]]
⥅ related node [[center for collective learning]]
⥅ related node [[central mid levels escalator]]
⥅ related node [[chances]]
⥅ related node [[chaotic good rogue]]
⥅ related node [[character class]]
⥅ related node [[character classes]]
⥅ related node [[charismatic shell]]
⥅ related node [[chasing moloch]]
⥅ related node [[cheap calculator]]
⥅ related node [[chemical freeze]]
⥅ related node [[chesterton s fence]]
⥅ related node [[chestertons fence]]
⥅ related node [[chilean transition to democracy]]
⥅ related node [[china a century of revolution]]
⥅ related node [[chocolates]]
⥅ related node [[choose the closest]]
⥅ related node [[choosing a mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[chris aldrich]]
⥅ related node [[christian brickhouse]]
⥅ related node [[chronicles of flancia]]
⥅ related node [[church of earth]]
⥅ related node [[church of the simulation]]
⥅ related node [[church of the singularity]]
⥅ related node [[cimbalom street musicians]]
⥅ related node [[cinco años]]
⥅ related node [[circles ubi]]
⥅ related node [[circles world]]
⥅ related node [[circles]]
⥅ related node [[clean the kitchen]]
⥅ related node [[click]]
⥅ related node [[clicker]]
⥅ related node [[clojurescript]]
⥅ related node [[cloud computer]]
⥅ related node [[cloud computers]]
⥅ related node [[coco]]
⥅ related node [[cocodrilo dundee]]
⥅ related node [[coconut oil]]
⥅ related node [[coconut take aways]]
⥅ related node [[code of conduct]]
⥅ related node [[coding projects]]
⥅ related node [[cogconfluence]]
⥅ related node [[cognacore]]
⥅ related node [[cognitive devices]]
⥅ related node [[collect]]
⥅ related node [[collected poetry]]
⥅ related node [[collection of notes]]
⥅ related node [[collective and augmented intelligence against covid]]
⥅ related node [[collective poetry]]
⥅ related node [[collective sense commons]]
⥅ related node [[collective tools]]
⥅ related node [[collective]]
⥅ related node [[command line interface]]
⥅ related node [[communication]]
⥅ related node [[communities of practice]]
⥅ related node [[complementary cognitive artifact]]
⥅ related node [[complementary cognitive artifacts]]
⥅ related node [[computer lib dream machines]]
⥅ related node [[computers and creativity]]
⥅ related node [[concepts techniques and models of computer programming]]
⥅ related node [[conflict vs mistake]]
⥅ related node [[confoederatio helvetica flanciana]]
⥅ related node [[connect]]
⥅ related node [[connected buildings]]
⥅ related node [[conquer moloch]]
⥅ related node [[conscious beings]]
⥅ related node [[conscious]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness explained]]
⥅ related node [[conspiracy]]
⥅ related node [[contacto en flancia]]
⥅ related node [[content security policy]]
⥅ related node [[context collapse]]
⥅ related node [[contracts]]
⥅ related node [[convergence]]
⥅ related node [[cookie clicker]]
⥅ related node [[coop cloud recipe]]
⥅ related node [[coop cloud recipes]]
⥅ related node [[coop cloud]]
⥅ related node [[cooperative competition]]
⥅ related node [[coreutils decoded]]
⥅ related node [[corporation for digital scholarship]]
⥅ related node [[cory doctorow]]
⥅ related node [[counting practice]]
⥅ related node [[covid tracker]]
⥅ related node [[crack azw]]
⥅ related node [[creamy ricotta pasta with broccoli]]
⥅ related node [[creative commons]]
⥅ related node [[criptocomunismo]]
⥅ related node [[criticism of effective altruism]]
⥅ related node [[critique of worker coops]]
⥅ related node [[crowdcast]]
⥅ related node [[crowdsourced chess]]
⥅ related node [[crowdsourced filesystem]]
⥅ related node [[crowdsourced search]]
⥅ related node [[crowdsourced]]
⥅ related node [[crowdsourcing]]
⥅ related node [[crpg addict]]
⥅ related node [[crush capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[crystal castles]]
⥅ related node [[cscw]]
⥅ related node [[cybenetic surveillant]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetic surveillant]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetic toaster]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetician]]
⥅ related node [[cyberrachel]]
⥅ related node [[cyberspace]]
⥅ related node [[daniel schmachtenberger]]
⥅ related node [[decent social]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized discourse graph]]
⥅ related node [[deconstructing sensory experience]]
⥅ related node [[deconstructing yourself]]
⥅ related node [[democracia líquida]]
⥅ related node [[democractic confederalism]]
⥅ related node [[democracy earth]]
⥅ related node [[democracy]]
⥅ related node [[democratic fedi]]
⥅ related node [[democratic fediverse]]
⥅ related node [[denny vrandecic]]
⥅ related node [[deprecate capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[design principles for governing the commons]]
⥅ related node [[dialectic]]
⥅ related node [[dialectical method]]
⥅ related node [[didactic]]
⥅ related node [[dielectric stacks]]
⥅ related node [[digital commons coop]]
⥅ related node [[directed acyclic graph]]
⥅ related node [[dirichlet function]]
⥅ related node [[discussing social annotation and digital literacies]]
⥅ related node [[dispatches from flancia]]
⥅ related node [[distributed basic income]]
⥅ related node [[don t accept the default]]
⥅ related node [[douglas crockford]]
⥅ related node [[e acc]]
⥅ related node [[earth practice]]
⥅ related node [[eccentric]]
⥅ related node [[ecmascript internal property]]
⥅ related node [[effortless contact]]
⥅ related node [[egypt ethiopia conflict]]
⥅ related node [[el casal catalá]]
⥅ related node [[electric octopus]]
⥅ related node [[electronic frontier foundation]]
⥅ related node [[embrace capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[en flancia no hay jardines cerrados]]
⥅ related node [[encincovoy]]
⥅ related node [[encyclopedia of world problems and human potential]]
⥅ related node [[encyclopedia of world problems]]
⥅ related node [[epidemic forecasting]]
⥅ related node [[erich auerbach]]
⥅ related node [[escritos herèticos]]
⥅ related node [[escritos heréticos]]
⥅ related node [[escuela de aprendices]]
⥅ related node [[ethical license]]
⥅ related node [[evaricweicksel]]
⥅ related node [[exercise snacks]]
⥅ related node [[expand their circles]]
⥅ related node [[expanding circle]]
⥅ related node [[expanding the circle]]
⥅ related node [[f35bf2527d7943c7a78beee799232cb4]]
⥅ related node [[facebook is a doomsday machine]]
⥅ related node [[factored cognition hypothesis]]
⥅ related node [[facttic]]
⥅ related node [[fakechuck]]
⥅ related node [[federico nietzsche]]
⥅ related node [[ficciones]]
⥅ related node [[file system access api]]
⥅ related node [[five o clock]]
⥅ related node [[flaccia]]
⥅ related node [[flancia cantos]]
⥅ related node [[flancia collective]]
⥅ related node [[flancia coop]]
⥅ related node [[flancia discuss]]
⥅ related node [[flancia doc]]
⥅ related node [[flancia governance]]
⥅ related node [[flancia memory palace]]
⥅ related node [[flancia procedure]]
⥅ related node [[flancia soundscape]]
⥅ related node [[flancia space]]
⥅ related node [[flancia or the revolution against moloch]]
⥅ related node [[flancian feedback]]
⥅ related node [[flecha derecha]]
⥅ related node [[for the good fo all conscious beings]]
⥅ related node [[force directed graphs]]
⥅ related node [[foucault s turtlenecks]]
⥅ related node [[foucaults turtlenecks]]
⥅ related node [[francis ford coppola]]
⥅ related node [[francisco franco]]
⥅ related node [[francisco varela]]
⥅ related node [[free universal construction kit]]
⥅ related node [[friedrich nietzsche]]
⥅ related node [[fully automated luxury gay space communism]]
⥅ related node [[galactica]]
⥅ related node [[garbage collection]]
⥅ related node [[global decision making via local economic transactions]]
⥅ related node [[global economic inequality]]
⥅ related node [[gnomon chronicles]]
⥅ related node [[growing artificial societies]]
⥅ related node [[guerilla open access manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[hackers heroes of the computer revolution]]
⥅ related node [[hccb]]
⥅ related node [[heretics society]]
⥅ related node [[heterarchical ontology]]
⥅ related node [[heterarchical]]
⥅ related node [[high capacity color barcode]]
⥅ related node [[higher consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[holacracy]]
⥅ related node [[hopscotch]]
⥅ related node [[horas canónicas]]
⥅ related node [[how to become a flancian]]
⥅ related node [[hpec cto]]
⥅ related node [[human computer interaction]]
⥅ related node [[hypercore protocol]]
⥅ related node [[imperial college tracker]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there are digital heterarchies]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia there are no hierarchies]]
⥅ related node [[in flancia world government is bootstrapped through a global social network implementing liquid democracy and rational heterarchies]]
⥅ related node [[in my flancia we cooperate our way to an international liquid democratic federation]]
⥅ related node [[incremental basic income]]
⥅ related node [[information science]]
⥅ related node [[instrumental electronic music]]
⥅ related node [[intelectualmathematics]]
⥅ related node [[joscha bach]]
⥅ related node [[jumpsuit chic]]
⥅ related node [[juntos venceremos a moloch]]
⥅ related node [[karlicoss flancian]]
⥅ related node [[lace of country streets]]
⥅ related node [[lambda calculus]]
⥅ related node [[lehoczkyescobar]]
⥅ related node [[linguistic example sentences]]
⥅ related node [[liquid democracy]]
⥅ related node [[los bienes comunes del conocimiento]]
⥅ related node [[luca landucci]]
⥅ related node [[lucid innocence]]
⥅ related node [[luxury space communism]]
⥅ related node [[magma collective]]
⥅ related node [[manipulation of democracy]]
⥅ related node [[marie cecilia smith]]
⥅ related node [[mastering the core teachings of the buddha]]
⥅ related node [[mathematical logic]]
⥅ related node [[mechanical monk]]
⥅ related node [[meritocracy]]
⥅ related node [[michael ocean]]
⥅ related node [[michel foucault]]
⥅ related node [[minimum effort constructive action]]
⥅ related node [[music for hacking]]
⥅ related node [[mystic computer club]]
⥅ related node [[nccr survey]]
⥅ related node [[nccr]]
⥅ related node [[necklace of community projects]]
⥅ related node [[network science]]
⥅ related node [[nginx caching]]
⥅ related node [[nick cammarata]]
⥅ related node [[nick vujicic]]
⥅ related node [[not organized hierarchically]]
⥅ related node [[numerical discourses of the buddha]]
⥅ related node [[obsidian block anchors]]
⥅ related node [[on line encyclopedia of integer sequences]]
⥅ related node [[organic moroccan mint]]
⥅ related node [[organizing circle]]
⥅ related node [[pareto efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[peace piece]]
⥅ related node [[pearson correlation coefficient]]
⥅ related node [[pernambuco e seu conjunto]]
⥅ related node [[persistent non symbolic experiences]]
⥅ related node [[piero della francesca]]
⥅ related node [[please don t use discord for foss projects]]
⥅ related node [[please dont use discord for foss projects]]
⥅ related node [[political compass]]
⥅ related node [[polycultic]]
⥅ related node [[por flancia! qué flancia? tu flancia!]]
⥅ related node [[post scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[practical guide to the jhanas]]
⥅ related node [[practice]]
⥅ related node [[principle of charity]]
⥅ related node [[probabilistic p2p content moderation]]
⥅ related node [[project cybersin]]
⥅ related node [[project cybersyn]]
⥅ related node [[prosperity public license]]
⥅ related node [[proyecto morcilla]]
⥅ related node [[proyecto nocilla]]
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⥅ related node [[quick capture]]
⥅ related node [[radical candor]]
⥅ related node [[rdf 1 1 concepts and abstract syntax]]
⥅ related node [[read if incapacitated]]
⥅ related node [[researching social annotation in education]]
⥅ related node [[retroactive public goods funding]]
⥅ related node [[revolución correcta]]
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⥅ related node [[riccardo ferretti]]
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⥅ related node [[rice cooker]]
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⥅ related node [[schuldenzucker]]
⥅ related node [[science]]
⥅ related node [[sciences of the artificial]]
⥅ related node [[scratchpad]]
⥅ related node [[scrollback]]
⥅ related node [[search and annotation are complementary]]
⥅ related node [[searchscene]]
⥅ related node [[secure scuttlebutt]]
⥅ related node [[seven sketches in compositionality]]
⥅ related node [[shamanic coders guild]]
⥅ related node [[silence is a commons]]
⥅ related node [[simulation contract]]
⥅ related node [[singularity church of the machine god]]
⥅ related node [[singularity church]]
⥅ related node [[social coding foundations]]
⥅ related node [[social coop admin]]
⥅ related node [[social coop announcements]]
⥅ related node [[social coop bridge]]
⥅ related node [[social coop community wg]]
⥅ related node [[social coop issues]]
⥅ related node [[social coop matrix bridge]]
⥅ related node [[social coop matrix]]
⥅ related node [[social coop second instance]]
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⥅ related node [[social coop terms]]
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⥅ related node [[social democratic party of switzerland]]
⥅ related node [[social knowledge graphs discussion]]
⥅ related node [[social learning across content]]
⥅ related node [[social media for anarchists]]
⥅ related node [[social web protocols]]
⥅ related node [[spaces to tabs conversion]]
⥅ related node [[specific public intention]]
⥅ related node [[speech and language processing]]
⥅ related node [[stack exchange]]
⥅ related node [[steffen schuldenzucker]]
⥅ related node [[structure and interpretation of classical mechanics]]
⥅ related node [[structure and interpretation of computer programs]]
⥅ related node [[subconscious]]
⥅ related node [[subjective censorship]]
⥅ related node [[syntacticsugarglider]]
⥅ related node [[system theoretic process analysis]]
⥅ related node [[technics and time]]
⥅ related node [[techpractical]]
⥅ related node [[tectonic shift]]
⥅ related node [[terrorismo constructivo]]
⥅ related node [[the agora is a platform for studying convergence]]
⥅ related node [[the arcades project]]
⥅ related node [[the architecture of computer programming]]
⥅ related node [[the architecture of markets]]
⥅ related node [[the architecture of open source applications]]
⥅ related node [[the carrier bag theory of fiction]]
⥅ related node [[the chemical nature of morphogenesis]]
⥅ related node [[the craft of research]]
⥅ related node [[the expanding circle]]
⥅ related node [[the hyperbolic geometry of dmt experiences]]
⥅ related node [[the magic pinch]]
⥅ related node [[the on line encyclopedia of integer sequences]]
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⥅ related node [[the revolution according to chatgpt]]
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⥅ related node [[the science of enlightenment]]
⥅ related node [[the second coming]]
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⥅ related node [[vc space]]
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⥅ related node [[warren mcculloch]]
⥅ related node [[wayback machine]]
⥅ related node [[we could be monks in space]]
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⥅ related node [[writing with confidence]]
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⥅ related node [[yancey strickler]]
⥅ related node [[you can run a flancian in your laptop]]
⥅ related node [[zotero connector]]
⥅ related node [[2019 07 17 panic attack]]
⥅ related node [[2020 07 24 catalepscene]]
⥅ related node [[2021 08 01 pith crossed creek]]
⥅ related node [[2022 08 01 notes creating magic]]
⥅ related node [[2023 09 25 collective brains for teams]]
⥅ related node [[baldurs_gate_bucolic]]
⥅ related node [[baldurs_gate_welcome_candlekeep]]
⥅ related node [[framework_corporate_political_action]]
⥅ related node [[pp_brooke_carcrash]]
⥅ related node [[pp_brooke_icecream]]
⥅ related node [[rebus_anarchic_brain]]
⥅ related node [[simler_personhood_comic]]
⥅ related node [[success]]
⥅ related node [[spell checking]]
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⥅ related node [[book review secular cycles]]
⥅ related node [[concrete book club idea]]
⥅ related node [[e ad hoc book clubs]]
⥅ related node [[e automatic mailing list for incremental brainstorming]]
⥅ related node [[e better note taking can be taught interactively]]
⥅ related node [[e learning platform for independent course creators]]
⥅ related node [[e naming concepts like a hook]]
⥅ related node [[fundamentals of alexander technique with michael ashcroft by james stuber course builders series ]]
⥅ related node [[podcast with doug tataryn on deconstructing yourself]]
⥅ related node [[podcast with tiago forte and david perell on education]]
⥅ related node [[retro concept]]
⥅ related node [[canasta básica]]
⥅ related node [[chance love and logic]]
⥅ related node [[curso de filosofía de la música]]
⥅ related node [[discrimination in digital finance]]
⥅ related node [[objects conceive other objects in capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[the communism of the rheinischer beobachter]]
⥅ related node [[ética nicomáquea]]
⥅ related node [[choosing_a_college]]
⥅ related node [[coop experience abroad]]
⥅ related node [[all advice is autobiographical]]
⥅ related node [[canonical meta]]
⥅ related node [[clarice lispector]]
⥅ related node [[compositionality is composability without emergence]]
⥅ related node [[activities with cards]]
⥅ related node [[applied utopia and constructive optimism]]
⥅ related node [[cognitive artifacts]]
⥅ related node [[classical mechanics]]
⥅ related node [[physics misc]]
⥅ related node [[symplectic]]
⥅ related node [[best practices]]
⥅ related node [[cachew]]
⥅ related node [[cloudmacs]]
⥅ related node [[accountancy]]
⥅ related node [[agile practices]]
⥅ related node [[assessing systems thinking capacity]]
⥅ related node [[charter for compassion]]
⥅ related node [[circles are sacred]]
⥅ related node [[circles in the air]]
⥅ related node [[climate change loops]]
⥅ related node [[climate change]]
⥅ related node [[complexity simplicity]]
⥅ related node [[covid dynamics]]
⥅ related node [[critical conversation types]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth conference]]
⥅ related node [[dependence on machines]]
⥅ related node [[ecopolicy game]]
⥅ related node [[genwise course curriculum]]
⥅ related node [[happiness circles]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to conversations]]
⥅ related node [[isss conference 2021]]
⥅ related node [[kerry marc collaboration]]
⥅ related node [[kerry marcs backlog list]]
⥅ related node [[kerrys curriculum vitae]]
⥅ related node [[learning cycles]]
⥅ related node [[life cycle]]
⥅ related node [[local self education]]
⥅ related node [[march notes kerry marc]]
⥅ related node [[negative school impact]]
⥅ related node [[ochs learning cohort1]]
⥅ related node [[perspectives exercises]]
⥅ related node [[recent changes]]
⥅ related node [[systems certification]]
⥅ related node [[systems education research]]
⥅ related node [[systems thinking in schools research]]
⥅ related node [[the dayton practice]]
⥅ related node [[the school in the cloud]]
⥅ related node [[the second child]]
⥅ related node [[trialectical synthesis]]
⥅ related node [[unintended consequences]]
⥅ related node [[words music pictures]]
⥅ related node [[aws practictioner certification]]
⥅ related node [[certification resources]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives to chatterbot hugginface]]
⥅ related node [[chatterbot training corpus]]
⥅ related node [[ibm watson assistant can be text or voice]]
⥅ related node [[implementing chatterbot as a cog for brook]]
⥅ related node [[the chatterbot documentation]]
⥅ related node [[applications of computer vision]]
⥅ related node [[brainstorming computer vision application ideas]]
⥅ related node [[image classification]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to computer vision]]
⥅ related node [[recent research in computer vision]]
⥅ related node [[image processing with opencv (code)]]
⥅ related node [[object detection with haar classifiers]]
⥅ related node [[object detection with opencv]]
⥅ related node [[advanced context variables]]
⥅ related node [[fallback child node]]
⥅ related node [[ibm conversational computation]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to chatbots]]
⥅ related node [[nine criteraia for evaluating chatbot vendors]]
⥅ related node [[seven most important conversational computing providers]]
⥅ related node [[accessibie language guidelines]]
⥅ related node [[owning bothood in chatbot conversation]]
⥅ related node [[civo chatbot script design]]
⥅ related node [[storyboarding character]]
⥅ related node [[the challenge of conversation design]]
⥅ related node [[8 architecture]]
⥅ related node [[whimsical chat designer]]
⥅ related node [[nlp citations instructions]]
⥅ related node [[creating a discovery collection]]
⥅ related node [[advanced watson discovery]]
⥅ related node [[creating a watson chatbot with discovery]]
⥅ related node [[adding watson speech services]]
⥅ related node [[voice options for your chatbot]]
⥅ related node [[idea_ai customised sports commentary]]
⥅ related node [[idea_ai nlp powered meta content creation]]
⥅ related node [[ai needs barriers to be successful]]
⥅ related node [[ai s ratchet effect]]
⥅ related node [[ai specific pain points]]
⥅ related node [[an ai initiative s success relies on measurability]]
⥅ related node [[pwc study ai s impact on gdp by 2030]]
⥅ related node [[two key elements of ai componentry and process]]
⥅ related node [[activation function]]
⥅ related node [[applications for the three types of machine learning]]
⥅ related node [[best practice ai lessons from early adopters]]
⥅ related node [[biological comparisons]]
⥅ related node [[checklist for ai adoption]]
⥅ related node [[classification supervised learning]]
⥅ related node [[cnns convolutional neural networks]]
⥅ related node [[how to get started with cognitive technology]]
⥅ related node [[project debater understanding each other through ai]]
⥅ related node [[ai is polysemous accumulates meanings]]
⥅ related node [[can journalists and ai cooperate or is it war]]
⥅ related node [[collating meta content with ai]]
⥅ related node [[creatives have already been replaced in places]]
⥅ related node [[current uses of natural language generated content]]
⥅ related node [[accuracy]]
⥅ related node [[area_under_the_roc_curve]]
⥅ related node [[artificial_general_intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[artificial_intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[auc_(area_under_the_roc_curve)]]
⥅ related node [[binary_classification]]
⥅ related node [[categorical_data]]
⥅ related node [[centroid based_clustering]]
⥅ related node [[checkpoint]]
⥅ related node [[class imbalanced_dataset]]
⥅ related node [[classification_model]]
⥅ related node [[classification_threshold]]
⥅ related node [[convenience_sampling]]
⥅ related node [[convex_function]]
⥅ related node [[counterfactual_fairness]]
⥅ related node [[critic]]
⥅ related node [[feature_column_(tf feature_column)]]
⥅ related node [[fully_connected_layer]]
⥅ related node [[hierarchical_clustering]]
⥅ related node [[incompatibility_of_fairness_metrics]]
⥅ related node [[kernel_support_vector_machines_(ksvms)]]
⥅ related node [[metrics_api_(tf metrics)]]
⥅ related node [[mini batch_stochastic_gradient_descent_(sgd)]]
⥅ related node [[model_capacity]]
⥅ related node [[multi class_classification]]
⥅ related node [[multi class_logistic_regression]]
⥅ related node [[multinomial_classification]]
⥅ related node [[objective_function]]
⥅ related node [[pr_auc_(area_under_the_pr_curve)]]
⥅ related node [[precision recall_curve]]
⥅ related node [[roc_(receiver_operating_characteristic)_curve]]
⥅ related node [[state action_value_function]]
⥅ related node [[stochastic_gradient_descent_(sgd)]]
⥅ related node [[news media industry changes caused by ai]]
⥅ related node [[news to audience relationship has changed over 20 years]]
⥅ related node [[tech has changed journo hiring priorities]]
⥅ related node [[can an ai be creative]]
⥅ related node [[constraints on ai and robotic advances]]
⥅ related node [[professional_certificate_ _applied_ai]]
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⥅ related node [[confidence in the details]]
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⥅ related node [[expert service 60 per cent faster]]
⥅ related node [[expertice on call]]
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⥅ related node [[the business importance of recording interactions]]
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⥅ related node [[data science]]
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⥅ related node [[module 3 advanced watson services]]
⥅ related node [[open source replacements todo]]
⥅ related node [[watson at liveperson contact centres]]
⥅ related node [[watson compare and comply]]
⥅ related node [[module 4 watson use cases and resources list]]
⥅ related node [[watson for oncology clinical trial matching and genomics]]
⥅ related node [[watson ibm use cases certification]]
⥅ related node [[watson in use at coca cola company]]
⥅ related node [[advanced regression analytics]]
⥅ related node [[construction spending]]
⥅ related node [[consumer confidence]]
⥅ related node [[consumer price index (cpi)]]
⥅ related node [[ceda workplace inequality and gdp boost report]]
⥅ related node [[economic reports reading list]]
⥅ related node [[difference in differences analysis]]
⥅ related node [[direct and indirect risks]]
⥅ related node [[econometrics main page]]
⥅ related node [[economic forecasting methods]]
⥅ related node [[economic reports]]
⥅ related node [[economics main page]]
⥅ related node [[economics resources page]]
⥅ related node [[fed press conference and the testimony]]
⥅ related node [[five financial corporate risks]]
⥅ related node [[forecast accuracy]]
⥅ related node [[four nonfinancial corporate risks]]
⥅ related node [[economic_glossary]]
⥅ related node [[impact on central banks and markets]]
⥅ related node [[impact on sectors and companies]]
⥅ related node [[economic indicators list]]
⥅ related node [[master list of economic reports with links]]
⥅ related node [[opec decisions]]
⥅ related node [[producer price index]]
⥅ related node [[regresion analysis in economics]]
⥅ related node [[sector impacts on investments]]
⥅ related node [[small business private sector job contribution 2015]]
⥅ related node [[sources of economic data]]
⥅ related node [[the basics of economic ansalysis]]
⥅ related node [[the importance of economic reports]]
⥅ related node [[the importance of the risk management process]]
⥅ related node [[use economic forecasts]]
⥅ related node [[what is fiscal policy]]
⥅ related node [[english_concussion]]
⥅ related node [[english_electric_shock]]
⥅ related node [[english_fracture_and_dislocation]]
⥅ related node [[radio frequency spectrum]]
⥅ related node [[command_cheat_sheet_cartoon]]
⥅ related node [[afirm project s list of mental health contacts]]
⥅ related node [[mental health resources section]]
⥅ related node [[a mostly complete chart of neural networks]]
⥅ related node [[general dynamic vs static and compiled vs interpreted]]
⥅ related node [[javascript absolute basics]]
⥅ related node [[javascript comments]]
⥅ related node [[javascript intro to udemy course]]
⥅ related node [[javascript variable mutation and type coercion]]
⥅ related node [[python conditions and branching]]
⥅ related node [[python function scope global vs local]]
⥅ related node [[week3 classes and objects lab]]
⥅ related node [[week3 conditions and branching lab]]
⥅ related node [[week3 functions and scope lab]]
⥅ related node [[ibm digital badge python for applied data science]]
⥅ related node [[week5 us economic dashboard in python lab]]
⥅ related node [[code and calculations master page]]
⥅ related node [[friends and contacts list]]
⥅ related node [[international contacts master list]]
⥅ related node [[list of examinations and certifications]]
⥅ related node [[practice exercise list]]
⥅ related node [[radio equipment checklist]]
⥅ related node [[contract law]]
⥅ related node [[] “[[introducción [[hacia la recuperación de las memorias dispersas de vicente aleixandre]]
⥅ related node [[] “introducción [[hacia la recuperación de las memorias dispersas de vicente aleixandre]]
⥅ related node [[análisis del discurso político]]
⥅ related node [[caen octavillas desde el cielo]]
⥅ related node [[classical dark academia]]
⥅ related node [[de salónica a ladinokomunita el judeoespañol desde los umbrales del siglo xx hasta la actualidad]]
⥅ related node [[decadence and aestheticism]]
⥅ related node [[el concepto del indio y la cuestión racial en el perú en los siete ensayos de josé carlos mariátegui]]
⥅ related node [[historia y exégesis de una antología poética a través del epistolario inédito aleixandre macri]]
⥅ related node [[introducción el malestar del compromiso]]
⥅ related node [[introduction the graphic novel a special type of comics]]
⥅ related node [[la forma externa la fuerza coercitiva de la estrofa]]
⥅ related node [[los orígenes de la narrativa policial en la argentina recepción y transformación de modelos genéricos alemanes franceses e ingleses]]
⥅ related node [[los que luchan y al fin comprenden]]
⥅ related node [[migración y sociolingüística a través de las prácticas y los discursos de hispanohablantes en el s xxi]]
⥅ related node [[operación masacre]]
⥅ related node [[recursos poéticos]]
⥅ related node [[retórica y estructura]]
⥅ related node [[rhetoric of political speeches]]
⥅ related node [[semiotics the basics]]
⥅ related node [[the graphic novel an introduction]]
⥅ related node [[the sexual psychology of decadence]]
⥅ related node [[transformaciones estructurales de la esfera pública]]
⥅ related node [[bio cement and bio concrete]]
⥅ related node [[david bentley hart on christian socialism]]
⥅ related node [[human scale computing]]
⥅ related node [[reddit on official priestly roles in ancient rome]]
⥅ related node [[stripes in architecture]]
⥅ related node [[wouter groeneveld on constraints and parchment]]
⥅ related node [[accepting_patches]]
⥅ related node [[analytical_seclusion]]
⥅ related node [[canon_cat]]
⥅ related node [[carpincho_y_durazno]]
⥅ related node [[coin_columns]]
⥅ related node [[conductor]]
⥅ related node [[cyberrachel_echochamber]]
⥅ related node [[22_scratchy]]
⥅ related node [[marvel_cinematic_universe]]
⥅ related node [[mycoclipper_2 0]]
⥅ related node [[mycorrhiza_iceberg]]
⥅ related node [[punch_card]]
⥅ related node [[rpn_calculator]]
⥅ related node [[cactus comments]]
⥅ related node [[opencollective]]
⥅ related node [[privacy policy]]
⥅ related node [[2021 03 28 masto account move]]
⥅ related node [[2021 05 30 cactus comments]]
⥅ related node [[cactus500]]
⥅ related node [[2008 financial crisis]]
⥅ related node [[2020 06 07_16 17 57_capitalist_realism_cover]]
⥅ related node [[2020 06 07_20 23 56_fredric_jameson_by_luca_del_baldo_for_verso_site_2015_viii 705b14c1c6752fd97427ff2f3cfaef29]]
⥅ related node [[2020 06 15_22 08 50_dd4dc1f29bb9cc83bfed0cc015c7557f spirals in nature fibonacci spiral]]
⥅ related node [[2020 07 18_22 02 10_artificialfictionbrain]]
⥅ related node [[2022 westmorland and furness council election]]
⥅ related node [[8 principles for managing a commons]]
⥅ related node [[a certain danger lurks there how the inventor of the first chatbot turned against ai]]
⥅ related node [[a chat with henry zhu on oss gift economies]]
⥅ related node [[a closed and common orbit]]
⥅ related node [[a commons is a politics of belonging]]
⥅ related node [[a leverage points analysis of a qualitative system dynamics model for climate change adaptation in agriculture]]
⥅ related node [[a modern anarchism part 1 anarchist analysis]]
⥅ related node [[a political ecology of the repair manual]]
⥅ related node [[a re commonification of welfare systems]]
⥅ related node [[a socialist agenda for digital technology]]
⥅ related node [[a syrian democratic social economy in the making]]
⥅ related node [[about 3 of the carbon humans produce comes from aviation]]
⥅ related node [[ac and dc]]
⥅ related node [[accelerationism]]
⥅ related node [[access to repair information]]
⥅ related node [[access to spare parts]]
⥅ related node [[access]]
⥅ related node [[accessibility]]
⥅ related node [[accidental megastructure]]
⥅ related node [[accumulation]]
⥅ related node [[acfm microdose theories of consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[acfm trip 5 consciousness raising]]
⥅ related node [[acid communism]]
⥅ related node [[acoustic commons]]
⥅ related node [[actively thwart enclosure cooptation]]
⥅ related node [[adam day states of disorder ecosystems of governance]]
⥅ related node [[adding a 404 page with htaccess]]
⥅ related node [[adding a new connections page to my garden]]
⥅ related node [[adding an rss feed of recent activity to my org roam digital garden with org publish]]
⥅ related node [[admins mods and benevolent dictators for life the implicit feudalism of online communities]]
⥅ related node [[agroecology and open source software]]
⥅ related node [[ai deepfakes come of age as billions prepare to vote in a bumper year of elections]]
⥅ related node [[alexander cockburn]]
⥅ related node [[algorithmic bias and racism]]
⥅ related node [[algorithmic decision making]]
⥅ related node [[all about upcycling android]]
⥅ related node [[all watched over by machines of loving grace adam curtis]]
⥅ related node [[alternative currency]]
⥅ related node [[alternative economics]]
⥅ related node [[alternatives for the internet a journey into decentralised network architectures and information commons]]
⥅ related node [[amazon is a chronic tax dodger]]
⥅ related node [[amazon workers tell bosses to scrap constant surveillance micromanagement and unfair targets like time off task]]
⥅ related node [[amstrad cpc 464]]
⥅ related node [[an eco socialist definition of abundance]]
⥅ related node [[an ecological technology an interview with james bridle]]
⥅ related node [[an ecosocialist strategy to win the future]]
⥅ related node [[an ethics of agency]]
⥅ related node [[an introduction to cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[an iterative enquiry diagram for digital ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[an iterative inquiry diagram for digital ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[anarchist communist]]
⥅ related node [[ancillary justice]]
⥅ related node [[animal agriculture is the new crude oil]]
⥅ related node [[any society in which people must rely on money and markets for the essentials of life is not a communist society]]
⥅ related node [[apples self repair vision is here and its got a catch]]
⥅ related node [[architectural rights]]
⥅ related node [[architecture is politics]]
⥅ related node [[architecture of participation]]
⥅ related node [[arctic ice cap]]
⥅ related node [[arctic permafrost]]
⥅ related node [[artificial cheapness of new products]]
⥅ related node [[artificial intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[artificial scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[associational socialism]]
⥅ related node [[asynchronous collective distributed care]]
⥅ related node [[authoritarian and democratic technics]]
⥅ related node [[automatic commonplace to agora]]
⥅ related node [[automatic photo syncing from android to nextcloud]]
⥅ related node [[backwards compatibility]]
⥅ related node [[barcelona en comu]]
⥅ related node [[bashar al assads decade of destruction in syria]]
⥅ related node [[basic income guarantee]]
⥅ related node [[beccs]]
⥅ related node [[becky chambers]]
⥅ related node [[behaviour change or system change]]
⥅ related node [[being working class in the climate movement]]
⥅ related node [[beware of the collectors fallacy]]
⥅ related node [[beyond the shouting match what is a blockchain really]]
⥅ related node [[big tech exploits the victims of economic collapse]]
⥅ related node [[big tech is a huge part of capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[big tech is complicit in climate breakdown]]
⥅ related node [[biologically inspired computing]]
⥅ related node [[black box episode one the connectionists]]
⥅ related node [[black box episode three repocalypse now]]
⥅ related node [[black box prologue the collision]]
⥅ related node [[black box the hunt for clothoff the deepfake porn app]]
⥅ related node [[black combe]]
⥅ related node [[blackrock]]
⥅ related node [[block level transclusion]]
⥅ related node [[block protocol]]
⥅ related node [[blockchain for the political left]]
⥅ related node [[blogchains and hyperconversations]]
⥅ related node [[boom and bust cycle]]
⥅ related node [[brian merchant blood in the machine the origins of the rebellion against big tech]]
⥅ related node [[britains early handling of the coronavirus pandemic was one of the worst public health failures in uk history]]
⥅ related node [[brocken spectre]]
⥅ related node [[buddhist economics]]
⥅ related node [[building a second subconscious]]
⥅ related node [[building an open infrastructure for civic participation]]
⥅ related node [[building human economies using technology]]
⥅ related node [[c40 cities]]
⥅ related node [[cacophony of voices]]
⥅ related node [[calculus of grit]]
⥅ related node [[calfw blocks]]
⥅ related node [[caliban and the witch]]
⥅ related node [[californian dreams tech utopia or dystopia]]
⥅ related node [[canadian politics]]
⥅ related node [[capacity]]
⥅ related node [[capital markets must be socialized]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is a complex adaptive system]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is dead now we have something much worse interview with yanis varoufakis]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is historically contingent]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is the cause of the climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism is the root cause of social inequity]]
⥅ related node [[capitalism requires insecurity]]
⥅ related node [[capitalist catastrophism]]
⥅ related node [[capitalist class]]
⥅ related node [[capitalist economy]]
⥅ related node [[capitalists need labour labour doesnt need capitalists]]
⥅ related node [[capitalocene]]
⥅ related node [[captain america civil war]]
⥅ related node [[captain america the winter soldier]]
⥅ related node [[captain fantastic]]
⥅ related node [[carbon capture and sequestration]]
⥅ related node [[carbon coin]]
⥅ related node [[carbon dioxide emissions associated with energy and electricity use industrial processes and transport]]
⥅ related node [[carbon pricing]]
⥅ related node [[care principles for indigenous data governance]]
⥅ related node [[care work is infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[cat mate c500 automatic pet feeder]]
⥅ related node [[catalysts for the french revolution]]
⥅ related node [[catch 22]]
⥅ related node [[cauliflower macaroni cheese]]
⥅ related node [[centaur chess]]
⥅ related node [[center for a stateless society]]
⥅ related node [[center for humane technology]]
⥅ related node [[centralised applications are authoritarian]]
⥅ related node [[challenging capitalism envisioning a socialist workplace]]
⥅ related node [[changes to councils in cumbria]]
⥅ related node [[chatgpt will command more than 30000 nvidia gpus report]]
⥅ related node [[chechnya]]
⥅ related node [[checking for tls 1 2 support on a server]]
⥅ related node [[chemacs2]]
⥅ related node [[chemical pollution has passed safe limit for humanity]]
⥅ related node [[chemical pollution]]
⥅ related node [[chicago boys]]
⥅ related node [[childcare]]
⥅ related node [[chilean road to socialism]]
⥅ related node [[choose commons friendly financing]]
⥅ related node [[chorus of voices]]
⥅ related node [[christian fuchs]]
⥅ related node [[circular economy action plan]]
⥅ related node [[circular economy]]
⥅ related node [[circular electronics initiative]]
⥅ related node [[citizen participation platform]]
⥅ related node [[citizen participation]]
⥅ related node [[citizen science]]
⥅ related node [[civic action]]
⥅ related node [[civic muscle]]
⥅ related node [[civic platforms]]
⥅ related node [[civics]]
⥅ related node [[civil disobedience]]
⥅ related node [[class composition]]
⥅ related node [[class conflict]]
⥅ related node [[class consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[class politics in a warming world with keir milburn]]
⥅ related node [[class politics]]
⥅ related node [[classification algorithms]]
⥅ related node [[climate action plan explorer]]
⥅ related node [[climate action plan for councils]]
⥅ related node [[climate action plan]]
⥅ related node [[climate action tech]]
⥅ related node [[climate action]]
⥅ related node [[climate activism]]
⥅ related node [[climate capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[climate change as class war with matthew t huber]]
⥅ related node [[climate change committee]]
⥅ related node [[climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[climate emergency uk]]
⥅ related node [[climate fiction]]
⥅ related node [[climate justice charter]]
⥅ related node [[climate justice is social justice]]
⥅ related node [[climate justice]]
⥅ related node [[climate revolution how do we transition from catastrophe]]
⥅ related node [[climate science]]
⥅ related node [[climate solutions for cumbrian landscapes]]
⥅ related node [[clinically extremenly vulnerable]]
⥅ related node [[cloud apps are problematic]]
⥅ related node [[cloudflare and stitcher]]
⥅ related node [[co op cloud]]
⥅ related node [[code commons]]
⥅ related node [[code red for humanity the ipcc report 2021]]
⥅ related node [[coffeedrinker stockflow]]
⥅ related node [[cognitive capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[collaborative financing]]
⥅ related node [[collaborative memory palaces]]
⥅ related node [[collecting the dots]]
⥅ related node [[collective action]]
⥅ related node [[collective autonomy]]
⥅ related node [[collective farming]]
⥅ related node [[collective knowledge management]]
⥅ related node [[collective memory]]
⥅ related node [[collective self determination]]
⥅ related node [[collectivisation]]
⥅ related node [[collectivize or redistribute]]
⥅ related node [[collectivize]]
⥅ related node [[collector to creator]]
⥅ related node [[combining multiple personal wikis provisions a better commons than one central wiki]]
⥅ related node [[comcom]]
⥅ related node [[commodification of information]]
⥅ related node [[commodification of nature]]
⥅ related node [[common carriage]]
⥅ related node [[common on revolution in the 21st century]]
⥅ related node [[commoner vs citizen]]
⥅ related node [[commoning is a good way to solve coordination problems]]
⥅ related node [[commoning represents a profound challenge to capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[commonplace books]]
⥅ related node [[commons based peer production on the blockchain]]
⥅ related node [[commons based peer production]]
⥅ related node [[commons public partnerships]]
⥅ related node [[commonsplace book]]
⥅ related node [[commune of communes]]
⥅ related node [[communication capitalism critique]]
⥅ related node [[communication commons]]
⥅ related node [[communicative capitalism and class struggle]]
⥅ related node [[communicative capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[communicative socialism digital socialism]]
⥅ related node [[community benefit society]]
⥅ related node [[community broadband cooperative]]
⥅ related node [[community controlled microfinance]]
⥅ related node [[community energy cumbria]]
⥅ related node [[community of practice]]
⥅ related node [[community oriented life at human scale]]
⥅ related node [[community production coop]]
⥅ related node [[community technology partnerships]]
⥅ related node [[comparing liberatory technology and convivial tools]]
⥅ related node [[comparing market state and commons]]
⥅ related node [[competitive compatibility]]
⥅ related node [[complexity economics]]
⥅ related node [[complexity science and commoning]]
⥅ related node [[complexity science and the left]]
⥅ related node [[complexity science]]
⥅ related node [[complicated vs complex]]
⥅ related node [[complicated]]
⥅ related node [[computing networks are social and political systems]]
⥅ related node [[concentrate and ask again]]
⥅ related node [[concept map]]
⥅ related node [[conflict free replicated data types]]
⥅ related node [[conflict minerals]]
⥅ related node [[conjuncture]]
⥅ related node [[connected northern regions]]
⥅ related node [[connecting the dots]]
⥅ related node [[connecting zotero to koreader]]
⥅ related node [[connectivism]]
⥅ related node [[connectivity]]
⥅ related node [[consciously arranged society]]
⥅ related node [[consciousness raising]]
⥅ related node [[consumer citizenship]]
⥅ related node [[consumer cooperatives]]
⥅ related node [[consumer price index]]
⥅ related node [[contact microphone]]
⥅ related node [[contact tracing]]
⥅ related node [[contemporary black experimental music]]
⥅ related node [[contributor covenant]]
⥅ related node [[contributory accounting]]
⥅ related node [[control of computing infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[conversations with gamechangers cooperation jackson]]
⥅ related node [[conversations with gamechangers grassroots liberation]]
⥅ related node [[conversations with gamechangers]]
⥅ related node [[converting an old laptop screen into a portable monitor]]
⥅ related node [[coop incubators]]
⥅ related node [[cooperation jackson and discos]]
⥅ related node [[cooperation jackson webinar]]
⥅ related node [[cooperation jackson]]
⥅ related node [[cooperative finance]]
⥅ related node [[cooperative ownership structures]]
⥅ related node [[coops and commoning]]
⥅ related node [[coops and socialism]]
⥅ related node [[cop26 dispatch w vijay prashad and chris saltmarsh]]
⥅ related node [[copwatch]]
⥅ related node [[corona climate chronic emergency]]
⥅ related node [[coronavirus surveillance]]
⥅ related node [[corporate takeover of the social system]]
⥅ related node [[corralling a chorus of voices]]
⥅ related node [[cory doctorow on seizing the means of computation]]
⥅ related node [[cost of living crisis]]
⥅ related node [[cotech]]
⥅ related node [[council communism]]
⥅ related node [[council]]
⥅ related node [[councils]]
⥅ related node [[countdown to the climate summit 1 how did we get here]]
⥅ related node [[counter anti flancianism]]
⥅ related node [[counterculture]]
⥅ related node [[covid 19 is still a very serious disease with unknown outcomes even for the less severe omicron variant]]
⥅ related node [[covid antiviral drugs significantly reduce the chances of hospitalisation and death]]
⥅ related node [[covid recovery group]]
⥅ related node [[covid vaccination]]
⥅ related node [[creating a digital commons]]
⥅ related node [[creative reuse of existing technology]]
⥅ related node [[critical infrastructure lab]]
⥅ related node [[critical making]]
⥅ related node [[critical mass]]
⥅ related node [[critical race theory]]
⥅ related node [[critical search]]
⥅ related node [[critical systems thinking]]
⥅ related node [[critical theory]]
⥅ related node [[critiques of social media]]
⥅ related node [[critiques of verticalism]]
⥅ related node [[cross disciplinary learning]]
⥅ related node [[cryptocommons]]
⥅ related node [[cryptocurrency]]
⥅ related node [[cryptonomicon]]
⥅ related node [[cuba is a good model of a green society]]
⥅ related node [[cuba is world leading in agroecology]]
⥅ related node [[cuban socialism]]
⥅ related node [[cultural genocide]]
⥅ related node [[cultural references]]
⥅ related node [[culture and structure]]
⥅ related node [[culture power and politics ecosocialism and degrowth]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria action for sustainability]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria coalmine]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria councils to be replaced by two authorities]]
⥅ related node [[cumbria county council]]
⥅ related node [[cumbrian coalmine]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetic revolutionaries]]
⥅ related node [[cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[cyberpunk was about technologies that abstract human relationships with the world]]
⥅ related node [[cycling]]
⥅ related node [[dancing with radical economics at the disco a feminist cooperative alternative to daos]]
⥅ related node [[david ehrlichman impact networks creating connection sparking collaboration and catalyzing systemic change]]
⥅ related node [[david peter stroh systems thinking for social change]]
⥅ related node [[debating eco socialist futures]]
⥅ related node [[decentralised energy infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[decentralised governance]]
⥅ related node [[decentralised manufacture]]
⥅ related node [[decentralised telecommunications infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[decentralized and rooted in care envisioning the digital infrastructures of the future]]
⥅ related node [[decision and control]]
⥅ related node [[deep democracy]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth and ecosocialism jason hickel]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth and ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[degrowth green energy social equity and circular economy]]
⥅ related node [[democracies are inherently unstable and susceptible to ruin by aggressive skilled demagogues]]
⥅ related node [[democracy functions best at the level of the city]]
⥅ related node [[democracy is in retreat worldwide]]
⥅ related node [[democratic associationalism]]
⥅ related node [[democratic confederalism]]
⥅ related node [[democratic control]]
⥅ related node [[democratic planning]]
⥅ related node [[democratic republic of congo]]
⥅ related node [[democratic rights of citizens]]
⥅ related node [[democratic socialism]]
⥅ related node [[deschooling society]]
⥅ related node [[detroit community technology project]]
⥅ related node [[dialectical materialism]]
⥅ related node [[dialectics of nature]]
⥅ related node [[dialectics]]
⥅ related node [[difference and connection]]
⥅ related node [[digital architectures shadow all aspects of human life]]
⥅ related node [[digital democracy manifesto]]
⥅ related node [[digital eco socialism]]
⥅ related node [[digital ecosocialism breaking the power of big tech]]
⥅ related node [[digital ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[digital gardening practice]]
⥅ related node [[digital inclusion needs to be locally embedded]]
⥅ related node [[digital inclusion risks being paternalistic]]
⥅ related node [[digital scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[direct action]]
⥅ related node [[direct air capture]]
⥅ related node [[direct democracy]]
⥅ related node [[dominic cummings]]
⥅ related node [[doughnut economics action lab]]
⥅ related node [[doughnut economics]]
⥅ related node [[e f schumacher]]
⥅ related node [[earth after climate collapse]]
⥅ related node [[eco socialism and technology]]
⥅ related node [[eco socialism]]
⥅ related node [[eco socialist]]
⥅ related node [[ecodesign directive]]
⥅ related node [[ecodesign for sustainable products regulation]]
⥅ related node [[ecofascism]]
⥅ related node [[ecoliteracy]]
⥅ related node [[ecological civilization]]
⥅ related node [[ecological flows]]
⥅ related node [[ecological leninism with kai heron]]
⥅ related node [[ecological radio workshop]]
⥅ related node [[ecology of technology]]
⥅ related node [[economic calculation in the socialist commonwealth]]
⥅ related node [[economic disobedience]]
⥅ related node [[economic justice goes hand in hand with social justice]]
⥅ related node [[economic plan and calculation in kind]]
⥅ related node [[economic power]]
⥅ related node [[economic reproduction]]
⥅ related node [[economic theory]]
⥅ related node [[economics for emancipation]]
⥅ related node [[economics]]
⥅ related node [[economies of scale]]
⥅ related node [[economies of scope]]
⥅ related node [[economys domination of social life]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism 2023]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism and degrowth]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism and the ecological crisis]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism and the technoprogressive perspective]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialist technology]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialist transition]]
⥅ related node [[ecosocialist]]
⥅ related node [[ecosystems services]]
⥅ related node [[effecting change]]
⥅ related node [[eight design principles for successful commons]]
⥅ related node [[electoral politics]]
⥅ related node [[electric cars]]
⥅ related node [[electronic waste]]
⥅ related node [[electronics supply chains]]
⥅ related node [[electronics watch]]
⥅ related node [[emacs and agency]]
⥅ related node [[emacs from scratch]]
⥅ related node [[emacsconf 2020]]
⥅ related node [[enclosure of the commons]]
⥅ related node [[enclosure of the data commons]]
⥅ related node [[energy efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[english councils are battling financial ruin]]
⥅ related node [[english councils]]
⥅ related node [[ensure repair can be performed at a fair price]]
⥅ related node [[epistemic disclosure]]
⥅ related node [[escaping capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[especifismo the anarchist praxis of building popular movements and revolutionary organization]]
⥅ related node [[ethical consumerism]]
⥅ related node [[ethical source movement]]
⥅ related node [[ethics and second order cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[even with access to technology marginalized people face numerous sources of oppression]]
⥅ related node [[expand democracy into the workplace]]
⥅ related node [[expanding national parks and protected areas will not be enough to halt the destruction of nature]]
⥅ related node [[facebook only cares about money]]
⥅ related node [[false consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[feminist economics]]
⥅ related node [[fibonacci numbers]]
⥅ related node [[finance capital]]
⥅ related node [[finance commons provisioning]]
⥅ related node [[first and third world ecosocialisms]]
⥅ related node [[five principles of a socialist climate politics]]
⥅ related node [[flancia collective and the spheres of commoning]]
⥅ related node [[for an anti colonial anti racist environmentalism]]
⥅ related node [[for an ecosocialist transition that breaks from capitalism arguments and proposals]]
⥅ related node [[for profit healthcare systems are a piece of shit]]
⥅ related node [[for years i suspected mi5 interfered in the miners strike the truth was even more shocking than i thought]]
⥅ related node [[forces of production]]
⥅ related node [[francis bacon]]
⥅ related node [[frank jacob wallerstein 2 0 thinking and applying world systems theory in the 21st century]]
⥅ related node [[free association of producers]]
⥅ related node [[free software economics]]
⥅ related node [[free software enacts from each according to their ability to each according to their need]]
⥅ related node [[freeing ourselves from the clutches of big tech]]
⥅ related node [[from cyber autonomism to cyber populism an ideological analysis of the evolution of digital activism]]
⥅ related node [[fully transcluded backlinks]]
⥅ related node [[functional hierarchy]]
⥅ related node [[furness citizens jury on climate change]]
⥅ related node [[garden circle]]
⥅ related node [[geeks for social change]]
⥅ related node [[gene culture coevolution]]
⥅ related node [[general intellect unit 066 post open source]]
⥅ related node [[generative ai has a ferocious environmental impact]]
⥅ related node [[gift economies build community]]
⥅ related node [[gini coefficient]]
⥅ related node [[global commons alliance]]
⥅ related node [[gnd vs degrowth live panel from labour conference 2021]]
⥅ related node [[gnu general public license]]
⥅ related node [[goldman sachs doesnt care if you raise chickens]]
⥅ related node [[google won t repair cracked pixel watch screens]]
⥅ related node [[google wont repair cracked pixel watch screens]]
⥅ related node [[governable stacks against digital colonialism]]
⥅ related node [[governance commons]]
⥅ related node [[great acceleration]]
⥅ related node [[greater london council]]
⥅ related node [[greater manchester cooperative commission]]
⥅ related node [[green socialist notes decentralization 101]]
⥅ related node [[greenspace hack]]
⥅ related node [[gross domestic product]]
⥅ related node [[guerrilla media collective]]
⥅ related node [[hacker class]]
⥅ related node [[hackerspace]]
⥅ related node [[hacking for the commons]]
⥅ related node [[hacklabs and hackerspaces tracing two genealogies]]
⥅ related node [[hacktivists seek to aid iran protests with cyberattacks and tips on how to bypass internet censorship]]
⥅ related node [[halt and catch fire]]
⥅ related node [[here comes the sun storing clean energy]]
⥅ related node [[hierarchical note taking]]
⥅ related node [[holochain and basic income]]
⥅ related node [[holochain and commoning]]
⥅ related node [[homebrew computer club]]
⥅ related node [[how a local government migrated to open source]]
⥅ related node [[how can i use spaced repetition]]
⥅ related node [[how can we achieve vaccine equity]]
⥅ related node [[how could we study climate related social innovation applying deleuzean philosophy to the transition towns]]
⥅ related node [[how did i get into electronic music]]
⥅ related node [[how local councils are acting on climate]]
⥅ related node [[how systems theory can help us reflect on the world]]
⥅ related node [[how we can encode human rights in the blockchain]]
⥅ related node [[hows that open source governance working for you]]
⥅ related node [[hyper commonplace garden wiki]]
⥅ related node [[hypertext as a thought construction kit]]
⥅ related node [[i cant believe its not science]]
⥅ related node [[i want a community not an audience]]
⥅ related node [[ict is a fundamental part of modern society]]
⥅ related node [[icts have a significant role in the means of production]]
⥅ related node [[identifying strengths and obstacles to climate change adaptation in the german agricultural sector a group model building approach]]
⥅ related node [[capital is dead glitch]]
⥅ related node [[evolution new caldav calendar]]
⥅ related node [[nextcloud caldav link]]
⥅ related node [[nextcloud carddav link]]
⥅ related node [[nextcloud contacts download]]
⥅ related node [[nextcloud contacts import]]
⥅ related node [[seven coop principles]]
⥅ related node [[space cats]]
⥅ related node [[immanence and transcendence]]
⥅ related node [[imperialism is the arsonist marxisms contribution to ecological literatures and struggles]]
⥅ related node [[importmagic and or epc not found]]
⥅ related node [[in our time the enclosures of the 18th century]]
⥅ related node [[incredibly current climate pledges could keep heating below 2c but our work isn t over]]
⥅ related node [[indigenous and traditional ecological knowledge]]
⥅ related node [[indigenous communities on ownership and governance]]
⥅ related node [[inflation reduction act]]
⥅ related node [[information access]]
⥅ related node [[information and communication technology]]
⥅ related node [[information and communications technology]]
⥅ related node [[information civics]]
⥅ related node [[information technology and socialist construction]]
⥅ related node [[information technology underpins much of modern life]]
⥅ related node [[infrastructure as code]]
⥅ related node [[installing emacs from source]]
⥅ related node [[institute for social ecology online courses]]
⥅ related node [[institute for social ecology]]
⥅ related node [[intellectual property markets must be socialized]]
⥅ related node [[interactive fiction]]
⥅ related node [[international telecommunication union]]
⥅ related node [[introduction to complexity]]
⥅ related node [[ipcc sixth assessment report]]
⥅ related node [[ipcc]]
⥅ related node [[ipccs conservative nature masks true scale of action needed to avert catastrophic climate change]]
⥅ related node [[irc bouncer]]
⥅ related node [[is fairtec a vanguard stack]]
⥅ related node [[is post structuralist political theory anarchist]]
⥅ related node [[is the phrase digital colonialism problematic]]
⥅ related node [[it is possible to create cutting edge systems using technologies that are not state of the art]]
⥅ related node [[its eco socialism or death]]
⥅ related node [[iwc utrecht]]
⥅ related node [[jacky alcine]]
⥅ related node [[jennerite ecological scepticism]]
⥅ related node [[jeremy lent the web of meaning integrating science and traditional wisdom to find our place in the universe]]
⥅ related node [[kate raworth on why our times demand doughnut economics]]
⥅ related node [[keep commons commerce distinct]]
⥅ related node [[kicks condor]]
⥅ related node [[knowledge cycle]]
⥅ related node [[kohei saito climate crisis and ecological revolution]]
⥅ related node [[laissez faire economics]]
⥅ related node [[left bloc w james schneider]]
⥅ related node [[legacy social media]]
⥅ related node [[lets encrypt certificate renewal issue]]
⥅ related node [[lifecycle of information]]
⥅ related node [[liss c werner cybernetics state of the art]]
⥅ related node [[local action]]
⥅ related node [[local currencies]]
⥅ related node [[local currency]]
⥅ related node [[logics of resistance]]
⥅ related node [[long read review k punk the collected and unpublished writings of mark fisher 2004 2016]]
⥅ related node [[looks like new can business account for care work]]
⥅ related node [[looks like new can software handle ethics]]
⥅ related node [[lucas aerospace]]
⥅ related node [[maggie appleton on open source as a gift economy]]
⥅ related node [[magit performance on minified js and css]]
⥅ related node [[making a recent changes page on my wiki]]
⥅ related node [[making connections]]
⥅ related node [[management cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[manchester central library]]
⥅ related node [[many to many communication]]
⥅ related node [[marvel cinematic universe]]
⥅ related node [[massachusetts institute of technology]]
⥅ related node [[material efficiency]]
⥅ related node [[mathare social justice centre]]
⥅ related node [[matrix of convivial technology]]
⥅ related node [[mccarthyist]]
⥅ related node [[mckenzie wark general intellects]]
⥅ related node [[mckenzie wark molecular red]]
⥅ related node [[meta report shows the company causes far more emissions than it can cover with renewable energy]]
⥅ related node [[metacurrency]]
⥅ related node [[metcalfes law does not apply to commoning]]
⥅ related node [[microblog style social media]]
⥅ related node [[microdose californian capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[microdose revolution from cromwell to castro]]
⥅ related node [[migrating my nextcloud calendars and contacts]]
⥅ related node [[modern information technology is one of the main conditions for socialist revolution]]
⥅ related node [[most brits bin electrical items if they break these magic repair cafes are trying to change that]]
⥅ related node [[most libre software projects are entirely lacking in the principles of governing a commons]]
⥅ related node [[most of the innovation on which silicon valley depends comes from government funded research]]
⥅ related node [[moving towards an ecological leninism]]
⥅ related node [[municipal socialism]]
⥅ related node [[municipalist social media]]
⥅ related node [[mutual credit societies]]
⥅ related node [[my garden circles]]
⥅ related node [[my spacemacs user config]]
⥅ related node [[nathan schneider cooperatives the commons and ownership]]
⥅ related node [[nathan schneider on cooperatives and digital governance]]
⥅ related node [[nathan schneider pt 2 blockchain governance]]
⥅ related node [[national clarion cycling club]]
⥅ related node [[neither vertical nor horizontal a theory of political organization with rodrigo nunes]]
⥅ related node [[net zero is part of a global imperialist climate policy]]
⥅ related node [[net zero policies would reduce the cost of living]]
⥅ related node [[netocracy]]
⥅ related node [[new books in critical theory]]
⥅ related node [[new connections]]
⥅ related node [[new economics foundation]]
⥅ related node [[new technologies are more likely to amplify the inequalities and the injustices of a society than to undo them]]
⥅ related node [[nextcloud issue error creating conflict dialogue]]
⥅ related node [[niche construction]]
⥅ related node [[nick dyer witheford on biocommunism]]
⥅ related node [[nick srnicek]]
⥅ related node [[no amount of tree planting will be enough to cancel out the effects of continued fossil fuel emissions]]
⥅ related node [[non hierarchical note taking]]
⥅ related node [[north america and europe have made the biggest contribution to the climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[notes are conversations across time]]
⥅ related node [[notes big tech wont save us the case for social transformation over coronavirus surveillance]]
⥅ related node [[object oriented democracy]]
⥅ related node [[occupy and stigmergy]]
⥅ related node [[occupy sandy]]
⥅ related node [[occupy wall street a decade later]]
⥅ related node [[occupy wall street]]
⥅ related node [[occupy]]
⥅ related node [[ocean acidification]]
⥅ related node [[on exactitude in science]]
⥅ related node [[open access]]
⥅ related node [[open data commons open database license]]
⥅ related node [[open educational resources]]
⥅ related node [[open source hardware watches]]
⥅ related node [[open source intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[opportunistic compression]]
⥅ related node [[org mode inline src blocks not publishing]]
⥅ related node [[organisational tech digital policies]]
⥅ related node [[ostrom contracts]]
⥅ related node [[our feelings are not just biological but also social and cultural and therefore historical]]
⥅ related node [[p2p accounting for planetary survival]]
⥅ related node [[p2p accounting]]
⥅ related node [[palaces for the people the future of public libraries]]
⥅ related node [[participatory culture]]
⥅ related node [[participatory democracy]]
⥅ related node [[participatory economics]]
⥅ related node [[participatory governance]]
⥅ related node [[participatory infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[participatory social network]]
⥅ related node [[patterns of connection]]
⥅ related node [[patterns of enterprise application architecture]]
⥅ related node [[peer production license]]
⥅ related node [[peoples agreement of cochabamba]]
⥅ related node [[peoples computer company]]
⥅ related node [[peter jones and kristel van ael design journeys through complex systems practice tools for systemic design]]
⥅ related node [[birkrigg common view to lake district]]
⥅ related node [[black combe from walney island]]
⥅ related node [[common cordgrass at estuary]]
⥅ related node [[north walney nature reserve black combe]]
⥅ related node [[plain text accounting]]
⥅ related node [[planetary scale computation]]
⥅ related node [[planned obsolescence]]
⥅ related node [[platforms for public good w mathew lawrence thomas hanna]]
⥅ related node [[plessey occupation]]
⥅ related node [[police licence]]
⥅ related node [[political action]]
⥅ related node [[political agency]]
⥅ related node [[political climate education with momentum]]
⥅ related node [[political club]]
⥅ related node [[political economy of free software]]
⥅ related node [[political economy of network topologies]]
⥅ related node [[political economy]]
⥅ related node [[political education]]
⥅ related node [[politics and comedy]]
⥅ related node [[politics of technology]]
⥅ related node [[polycentric]]
⥅ related node [[post scarcity anarchism]]
⥅ related node [[postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[praxis for the hacker class]]
⥅ related node [[precautionary principle]]
⥅ related node [[predictive policing]]
⥅ related node [[prefer the subjective over the objective]]
⥅ related node [[price discovery]]
⥅ related node [[primitive accumulation]]
⥅ related node [[principles ethical tech]]
⥅ related node [[principles for ethical technology]]
⥅ related node [[principles of stacktivism]]
⥅ related node [[problem no such file or directory tramp archive]]
⥅ related node [[problem package phpcbf is unavailable]]
⥅ related node [[problems with ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[problems with org publish cache]]
⥅ related node [[producer cooperatives]]
⥅ related node [[producing not just consuming]]
⥅ related node [[production is socialised profit is privatised]]
⥅ related node [[projects and activities]]
⥅ related node [[promiscuous care]]
⥅ related node [[protocol cooperatives]]
⥅ related node [[protocol cooperativism]]
⥅ related node [[protocols for commoning]]
⥅ related node [[public civic collaboration coop incubators and stewarding digital infrastructure as a commons]]
⥅ related node [[public collective partnerships]]
⥅ related node [[public commons circuits of finance]]
⥅ related node [[public commons partnerships]]
⥅ related node [[public digital cooperative]]
⥅ related node [[public education]]
⥅ related node [[public interest technology and its origins]]
⥅ related node [[public interest technology]]
⥅ related node [[public library of science]]
⥅ related node [[public money public code]]
⥅ related node [[public order act]]
⥅ related node [[public platform accelerator]]
⥅ related node [[public procurement]]
⥅ related node [[public sector free software]]
⥅ related node [[public services]]
⥅ related node [[public space]]
⥅ related node [[putting the space in cyberspace]]
⥅ related node [[radical open access collective]]
⥅ related node [[radical technologies]]
⥅ related node [[anarchist cybernetics raw highlights]]
⥅ related node [[ray ison and ed straw the hidden power of systems thinking governance in a climate emergency]]
⥅ related node [[ray ison systems practice how to act in situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate change world]]
⥅ related node [[rea accounting]]
⥅ related node [[rebecca solnit]]
⥅ related node [[recent activity in neils digital garden]]
⥅ related node [[recipes for the cookshops of the future]]
⥅ related node [[reclaim the stacks october 2023 roundup]]
⥅ related node [[reclaim the stacks]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks august 2023 roundup]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks how ict workers can contribute to a transition to ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks reading]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks september 2023 roundup]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming the stacks]]
⥅ related node [[reclaiming time with oliver burkeman in conversation]]
⥅ related node [[recycle for cumbria]]
⥅ related node [[recycling]]
⥅ related node [[red enlightenment on socialism science and spirituality]]
⥅ related node [[renewable energy cannot meet current demand]]
⥅ related node [[repair and reuse in the ipcc sixth assessment report]]
⥅ related node [[repair bonus voucher scheme]]
⥅ related node [[repairing a cat mate c500 automatic pet feeder]]
⥅ related node [[resistance to amazons headquarters in cape town]]
⥅ related node [[resistance to free basics in india]]
⥅ related node [[resource allocation]]
⥅ related node [[rethinking infrastructure the case for social investment]]
⥅ related node [[revolution in the 21st century chris harman]]
⥅ related node [[revolution is a necessary precondition for a transition from capitalism to socialism]]
⥅ related node [[rights of electronics workers]]
⥅ related node [[sacred economics]]
⥅ related node [[sacred stacks the art of cyborg community]]
⥅ related node [[sam moore of the radical open access collective]]
⥅ related node [[scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[science and spirituality]]
⥅ related node [[science and technology studies]]
⥅ related node [[science commons]]
⥅ related node [[science fiction]]
⥅ related node [[science technology and society]]
⥅ related node [[scientific management]]
⥅ related node [[scientific socialism]]
⥅ related node [[scientific utopianism]]
⥅ related node [[scientifiction]]
⥅ related node [[screen capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[second order cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[self governance is a mode of resistance]]
⥅ related node [[sellafield europe s most toxic nuclear site]]
⥅ related node [[sensitive dependence on initial conditions]]
⥅ related node [[separation of article concerns]]
⥅ related node [[servers should be background infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[setting up a spacemacs literate config file]]
⥅ related node [[setting up commonplace locally on tablet]]
⥅ related node [[shock doctrine as a service]]
⥅ related node [[shock doctrine]]
⥅ related node [[silke helfrich david bollier what is the commons]]
⥅ related node [[simple critical infrastructure maps]]
⥅ related node [[smalltalk and commonplace books]]
⥅ related node [[smart contract]]
⥅ related node [[smart contracts]]
⥅ related node [[social care]]
⥅ related node [[social change has never come without violence]]
⥅ related node [[social change will never come without violence]]
⥅ related node [[social change]]
⥅ related node [[social contract]]
⥅ related node [[social coop spring 2022 strategy session]]
⥅ related node [[social coop tech wg meeting 2022 05 20]]
⥅ related node [[social democracy]]
⥅ related node [[social distance]]
⥅ related node [[social distancing]]
⥅ related node [[social ecology]]
⥅ related node [[social infrastructure]]
⥅ related node [[social insurance is a bulwark against insecurity]]
⥅ related node [[social justice]]
⥅ related node [[social media a critical introduction]]
⥅ related node [[social media is important because everything is social]]
⥅ related node [[social reproduction]]
⥅ related node [[social revolution is necessary in order to bring about structural changes to society]]
⥅ related node [[social transformation through the commons]]
⥅ related node [[socialism and ecology]]
⥅ related node [[socialism utopian and scientific]]
⥅ related node [[socialisms diy computer]]
⥅ related node [[socialist calculation debate]]
⥅ related node [[socialist chile]]
⥅ related node [[socialist economy]]
⥅ related node [[socialist workplaces]]
⥅ related node [[socially necessary labour time]]
⥅ related node [[socially useful production]]
⥅ related node [[society for social studies of science]]
⥅ related node [[society for the protection of underground networks]]
⥅ related node [[sociocracy]]
⥅ related node [[software licence]]
⥅ related node [[software obsolescence]]
⥅ related node [[solar energy for digital communication systems]]
⥅ related node [[solar media collective]]
⥅ related node [[solarpunk is about technologies that de abstract human relationships with the material world]]
⥅ related node [[solarpunks anxieties are global social injustice the failures of late capitalism and the climate crisis]]
⥅ related node [[solidarity economy association]]
⥅ related node [[sovereign accountable commons]]
⥅ related node [[sovereign cloud stack]]
⥅ related node [[soviet cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[space cats fight fascism]]
⥅ related node [[spacemacs profile specific configuration]]
⥅ related node [[spacemacs]]
⥅ related node [[spare parts for repair should be easily accessible]]
⥅ related node [[speculative fiction]]
⥅ related node [[spokescouncil]]
⥅ related node [[stacco troncoso]]
⥅ related node [[stigmergic production using choral explanations]]
⥅ related node [[storing secrets in emacs]]
⥅ related node [[strategy and tactics in anarchist politics]]
⥅ related node [[strategy and tactics]]
⥅ related node [[structural violence]]
⥅ related node [[students for a democratic society]]
⥅ related node [[subconscious beta]]
⥅ related node [[sunak comes unstuck]]
⥅ related node [[surfacing notes in my garden that have no claims]]
⥅ related node [[surveillance capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[surveillance technology]]
⥅ related node [[syncing a git repo within a syncthing folder]]
⥅ related node [[syncthing android doesnt sync until i restart or rescan]]
⥅ related node [[synthetic catallaxy]]
⥅ related node [[system dynamics a soft and hard approach to modelling]]
⥅ related node [[systemic and meta systemic laws]]
⥅ related node [[systems and cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[systems practice how to act]]
⥅ related node [[systems theory in political science]]
⥅ related node [[systems thinking and how it can help build a sustainable world a beginning conversation]]
⥅ related node [[t cell defences]]
⥅ related node [[tactics]]
⥅ related node [[teaching the commons through the game of musical chairs]]
⥅ related node [[tech coops]]
⥅ related node [[tech exceptionalism]]
⥅ related node [[technical debt]]
⥅ related node [[technical documentation]]
⥅ related node [[technics]]
⥅ related node [[techno anarchism]]
⥅ related node [[technocracy]]
⥅ related node [[technofeudalism what killed capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[technological decentralisation]]
⥅ related node [[technological determinism]]
⥅ related node [[technological sovereignty]]
⥅ related node [[technological utopianism]]
⥅ related node [[technology alone will not create a better world]]
⥅ related node [[technology and ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[technology and political economy]]
⥅ related node [[technology appropriation in a de growing economy]]
⥅ related node [[technology capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[technology networks for socially useful production]]
⥅ related node [[technology plays a significant role in political economy]]
⥅ related node [[technosocial imaginaries]]
⥅ related node [[tesa collective]]
⥅ related node [[thatcherite conservatism is on its last legs i ve had a disturbing glimpse of what might replace it]]
⥅ related node [[the architecture of participation]]
⥅ related node [[the blockchain socialist]]
⥅ related node [[the bold tactics that have kept iran protests going]]
⥅ related node [[the built environment reinforces cultural messages]]
⥅ related node [[the carbon emissions of big tech]]
⥅ related node [[the cheese project]]
⥅ related node [[the city the city]]
⥅ related node [[the climate crisis is a space of class struggle]]
⥅ related node [[the co operativist challenge to the platform economy]]
⥅ related node [[the commodification of social activities]]
⥅ related node [[the common place]]
⥅ related node [[the commoners catalog for changemaking]]
⥅ related node [[the communalist project]]
⥅ related node [[the conditions of the working class in england]]
⥅ related node [[the cybernetic brain]]
⥅ related node [[the cybernetic hypothesis]]
⥅ related node [[the cybernetic jacket]]
⥅ related node [[the dialectics of space]]
⥅ related node [[the digital sector under capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[the double objective of democratic ecosocialism]]
⥅ related node [[the economics of the coming spaceship earth]]
⥅ related node [[the electronic agora]]
⥅ related node [[the first rule of spectacle club]]
⥅ related node [[the fractal prince]]
⥅ related node [[the french revolution has historical significance to revolutionary socialism today]]
⥅ related node [[the generative ai race has a dirty secret]]
⥅ related node [[the hackerist perspective]]
⥅ related node [[the hi tech gift economy]]
⥅ related node [[the importance of social media]]
⥅ related node [[the insect crisis where did all the bugs go]]
⥅ related node [[the insect crisis]]
⥅ related node [[the interconnectedness of life]]
⥅ related node [[the jakarta method comes to latin america review]]
⥅ related node [[the judgement of paris facebook vs the communards]]
⥅ related node [[the local businesses giving your stuff a second life]]
⥅ related node [[the means of connection]]
⥅ related node [[the mute compulsion of capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[the people vs climate change]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill increases the risk of peaceful demonstrators being criminalised]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill is about state control]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill is an attack on some of the most basic democratic rights of citizens]]
⥅ related node [[the policing bill will undermine the right to protest at a critical moment in the fight to avoid climate breakdown]]
⥅ related node [[the politics of the commons reform or revolt]]
⥅ related node [[the public order act already makes peaceful protest harder than in almost every other democracy]]
⥅ related node [[the radical imagination in reactionary times]]
⥅ related node [[the radical imagination of the paris commune]]
⥅ related node [[the role of culture in politics]]
⥅ related node [[the role of technology in eco socialism]]
⥅ related node [[the secret water footprint of ai technology]]
⥅ related node [[the shock doctrine of the left]]
⥅ related node [[the shock doctrine]]
⥅ related node [[the silicon empire in eastern europe ft erin mcelroy]]
⥅ related node [[the social industry is a simulacrum]]
⥅ related node [[the social life of commoning]]
⥅ related node [[the society of the spectacle]]
⥅ related node [[the spectacle]]
⥅ related node [[the stack as an integrative model of global capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[the structural violence of the information age]]
⥅ related node [[the use and abuse of vegetational concepts]]
⥅ related node [[theory of collective action]]
⥅ related node [[there are different strands of cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[there is no such thing as an ungoverned space]]
⥅ related node [[thoughts on ostroms rules for radicals chapter 1]]
⥅ related node [[thoughts on ostroms rules for radicals chapter 2]]
⥅ related node [[tmk bc5 mute compulsion ch 1]]
⥅ related node [[tmk bc5 mute compulsion ch 2]]
⥅ related node [[tmk bc5 mute compulsion introduction]]
⥅ related node [[to be a 21st century socialist is to be an eco socialist]]
⥅ related node [[to be a 21st century socialist is to be an ecosocialist]]
⥅ related node [[tom critchlow]]
⥅ related node [[topic clustering in org roam graphs]]
⥅ related node [[transclusion in emacs]]
⥅ related node [[trebor scholz on platform cooperativism]]
⥅ related node [[tredegar medical aid society]]
⥅ related node [[trip 22 democracy]]
⥅ related node [[trusted commons why old social media matter]]
⥅ related node [[trying out calfw blocks]]
⥅ related node [[trying to install a custom rom on sony xperia z1 compact]]
⥅ related node [[twenty first century socialism]]
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⥅ related node [[20200810223959 heraclitus_the_obscure]]
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⥅ related node [[20201212164950 capitalism_develops_societal_infrastructure_to_reduce_circulation_costs]]
⥅ related node [[20201219162423 marx_s_criticism_of_adam_smith]]
⥅ related node [[20210103203710 tech_criticism]]
⥅ related node [[20210103204755 technology_in_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210103205104 technocracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210103205314 cryptocurrency]]
⥅ related node [[20210103211518 fiat_currency]]
⥅ related node [[20210106124542 revolution_is_downstream_of_economics]]
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⥅ related node [[20210118212122 currency_sovereignty]]
⥅ related node [[20210118224326 law_as_a_tool_of_class_conflict]]
⥅ related node [[20210120215019 economic_planning]]
⥅ related node [[20210120215050 post_capitalist_economics]]
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⥅ related node [[20210123185417 capital_controls_the_social_intellect]]
⥅ related node [[20210123185808 science_in_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210124202852 american_exceptionalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210127223151 physiocracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210131225724 class_consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[20210204095729 how_should_socialists_measure_success]]
⥅ related node [[20210204100918 the_civil_rights_act]]
⥅ related node [[20210210215405 example_of_fixed_capital_cooking]]
⥅ related node [[20210218215304 economics]]
⥅ related node [[20210228142516 bureaucracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210228142531 role_of_bureaucracy_within_organizations]]
⥅ related node [[20210302140300 french_third_republic]]
⥅ related node [[20210302141441 direct_democracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210302145547 democracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210302145713 second_reich]]
⥅ related node [[20210306160859 artificial_intelligence]]
⥅ related node [[20210306161251 universal_basic_income]]
⥅ related node [[20210306163746 post_scarcity]]
⥅ related node [[20210306164444 service_sector]]
⥅ related node [[20210306171918 centralization_of_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20210306172719 overcapacity_led_to_deindustrialization]]
⥅ related node [[20210310112616 philosophy_of_science]]
⥅ related node [[20210310113839 dialectics]]
⥅ related node [[20210310142248 technological_progress_is_not_linear]]
⥅ related node [[20210310144711 technological_development]]
⥅ related node [[20210310212707 general_law_of_capitalist_accumulation]]
⥅ related node [[20210312164831 public_spending_cannot_fight_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20210312164849 fiscal_policy]]
⥅ related node [[20210314121301 functional_application]]
⥅ related node [[20210318213337 consumer_economy]]
⥅ related node [[20210321201247 the_accumulation_of_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20210321205327 the_commodification_of_data]]
⥅ related node [[20210321210900 surveillance_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210330201741 electoral_college]]
⥅ related node [[20210403130020 implementing_lisp_scope_and_closure]]
⥅ related node [[20210403142357 labor_aristocracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210403142548 problem_of_working_classes_in_advanced_capitalist_countries_abandoning_socialism]]
⥅ related node [[20210403151224 racial_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210407163530 λ_calculus]]
⥅ related node [[20210407163715 computer_science]]
⥅ related node [[20210417115908 finance_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20210418172543 identities_are_commodified_by_capitalism]]
⥅ related node [[20210418172555 commodification]]
⥅ related node [[20210419112422 confederate_states_of_america]]
⥅ related node [[20210421104341 joan_copjec]]
⥅ related node [[20210421155432 consciousness]]
⥅ related node [[20210423171911 concurrent_programming]]
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⥅ related node [[20210425124457 activation_record]]
⥅ related node [[20210427204037 climate_change]]
⥅ related node [[20210429152530 revolution_is_a_social_necessity]]
⥅ related node [[20210506164244 mid_atlantic_accent]]
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⥅ related node [[20210516170826 characteristics_of_good_software_design]]
⥅ related node [[20210516180928 independent_social_democratic_party]]
⥅ related node [[20210518213042 contradiction]]
⥅ related node [[20210518213112 contradiction_is_eternal]]
⥅ related node [[20210520105015 unconsciousness]]
⥅ related node [[20210520132129 the_crusifiction]]
⥅ related node [[20210522190308 is_the_transition_to_communism_necessary]]
⥅ related node [[20210526125443 conspiracy_thinking]]
⥅ related node [[20210526153610 subject_object_divide]]
⥅ related node [[20210602134733 representative_democracy]]
⥅ related node [[20210604135536 uncertainty_principle]]
⥅ related node [[20210606101645 capitalism_commodified_time]]
⥅ related node [[20210606102008 communist_mode_of_production]]
⥅ related node [[20210606102252 communist_movements_of_the_20th_century]]
⥅ related node [[20210606102621 people_s_republic_of_china]]
⥅ related node [[20210607212826 is_china_capitalist]]
⥅ related node [[20210612162526 marx_believed_that_the_proletariat_cannot_simply_take_control_of_the_state]]
⥅ related node [[20210612165445 labor_time_accounting]]
⥅ related node [[20210612171432 ancient_greece]]
⥅ related node [[20210616210305 councils_as_a_revolutionary_unit]]
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⥅ related node [[20210719153323 can_a_blockchain_be_used_for_socialism]]
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⥅ related node [[20201129134741 a_companion_to_marx_s_capital_vol_2]]
⥅ related node [[20210103203640 elements_of_technology_criticism]]
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⥅ related node [[collective flow]]
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⥅ related node [[democracyos]]
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⥅ related node [[eternal truths of mathematics and science]]
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⥅ related node [[flancia projects]]
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⥅ related node [[gerontocracy]]
⥅ related node [[global democratic moderation]]
⥅ related node [[ibc protocol]]
⥅ related node [[icon duck]]
⥅ related node [[implications of quantum mechanics on philosophy]]
⥅ related node [[internet accessibility]]
⥅ related node [[interpretations of quantum mechanics]]
⥅ related node [[notes on quantum mechanics]]
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⥅ related node [[ontic structural realism]]
⥅ related node [[open source democracy]]
⥅ related node [[open source governance]]
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⥅ related node [[rational disscusion and decision making]]
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⥅ related node [[self locating uncertainty]]
⥅ related node [[single dose vaccine]]
⥅ related node [[terrance mckenna]]
⥅ related node [[the anti capitalist software license]]
⥅ related node [[underscore protocol]]
⥅ related node [[vaccination card]]
⥅ related node [[vaccine]]
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⥅ related node [[anarchist democracy]]
⥅ related node [[archleucoryx]]
⥅ related node [[catgirlification]]
⥅ related node [[chick]]
⥅ related node [[circuit bending]]
⥅ related node [[compounding effect]]
⥅ related node [[crocodile dundee]]
⥅ related node [[cross site scripting]]
⥅ related node [[eight definitions of cybernetics]]
⥅ related node [[epistemic justification]]
⥅ related node [[flancian@social coop]]
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⥅ related node [[jonny@social coop]]
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⥅ related node [[spiritual practice]]
⥅ related node [[the chromium fence]]
⥅ related node [[tobacco]]
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- public document at doc.anagora.org/c-c
- video call at meet.jit.si/c-c
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